Zombie virus: The new threat from global warming

by time news

2023-06-05 18:34:30

Humanity is constantly facing new challenges due to its own negligence, so we tell you what is known about the Zombie virus: The new threat from global warming.

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What is permafrost virus?

A recent study by scientists from Germany, Russia and France collected evidence and information on the consequences of global warming,

In particular, the consequences that are directly related to the “awakening” of some microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria that had remained frozen during the ice age were exposed.

The concern arises because the study found that these microorganisms, when exposed to heat, became active again, recovering their ability to infect and maintain their “life” cycle.

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What is the name of the zombie virus?

Specifically, around 4 “zombie” viruses were found, which are so called because they have been brought to life after having remained inactive for more than 1000 years thanks to the fact that they remained frozen under a layer of ice that is now melting by leaps and bounds. by climate change.

The viruses that have been found are:

  • Smallpox: A virus that was considered eradicated since 1980 could make its appearance again to infect humanity.

  • Pithovirus sibericum: It is a virus so large that it can be seen with a simple microscope, which was also resuscitated by feeding it with amoebas by French scientists, who said they were impressed to see that a virus of more than 30,000 years old continues being infectious.
  • Wolf virus: So named because it was found in the frozen intestines of a 27,000-year-old Siberian wolf, the virus can be reactivated by falling temperatures year after year.
  • Mammoth pandoravirus and megavirus: This virus is also very large, in fact it measures 10 times more than a normal virus that is currently known, it was found in mammoth remains and remains of mammoth wool.

Interesting, right? Surely you want to know more about the zombie virus: The new threat from global warming, well then, keep reading.

Photo: iStock

When did they revive the zombie virus?

Research regarding ancient viruses and bacteria dates back to approximately 2004, however the study that spoke about these 4 zombie viruses that we mentioned above was carried out on February 18, 2023.

It is important to mention that although the investigations are still very early, it has not been possible to determine if these viruses are dangerous or capable of infecting humans with the current immune system.

However, experts warn that one should not lower one’s guard or anticipate forecasts because, precisely because of how old and unknown these viruses are, humanity does not have the resources or the slightest idea of ​​how to combat them in case they turn out to be dangerous.

Now that you know more about the zombie virus: the new threat from global warmingthe best thing is that, from your trenches, you do practices that can help delay or avoid global warming.

If you want to know more about behavior during a massive infection or pandemic, we share this video with you.

#Zombie #virus #threat #global #warming

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