Zsolt Gáspár: They also found a problem with my heart

by time news

Béla Merkely will also examine it.

Zsolt Gáspár he has been hospitalized twice in the past few weeks. The farmer-presenter has been traveling the country for quite some time, distributing donations to those in need, but during his last trip to Győr, he unexpectedly fell ill and had to go to the hospital. As it turns out, both of his kidneys are full of stones.

Gáspár Győző his younger brother the other day a Mokkaspoke about the fact that he received injections and medicines, and that he must follow a diet and walk as much as possible on the doctor’s orders. In addition, he regularly goes for blood tests.

I had a blood test today too, thank God, now they have at least found the problem, because they thought I had a stroke, a heart attack. The stones in my kidneys don’t want to move, they can’t explode them yet, so now I’ve been given such a expelling infusion, I’m taking medication, and when I’m having a blood test, they take blood from me every 3 hours, because I’m going to have a major examination. I was able to get to Professor Béla Merkely, he will examine me. They are doing such a heart CT because they also found a problem with my heart

– he explained while walking along the Danube bank.

Gáspár added that the fresh air is good for him, and he recommended that all viewers go for a major check-up at least once a year, as this will avoid the health problems that he has now also experienced.

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