Zubía launches his presidential candidacy with repression and police violence as his main proposal

by time news

2023-11-30 13:29:28

Gustavo Zubía launched his candidacy for the Colorado Party

Gustavo Zubia He has entered the presidential race with a focus on security and a call for more forceful measures, appealing to the concept of police violence as what he understands is the solution to security.

The right-wing deputy has officially announced his pre-candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic under the banner of the Colorado Party (PC)highlighting criticism of Luis Lacalle Pou’s management, specifically in the field of security.

Zubía advocates for stronger measures and, if necessary, supports the use of excessive violence by the police. During the launch event, which took place at the Óscar Magurno stadium, Zubía deliberately chose this space in the Palermo neighborhood, close to Pocitos, where a significant part of the electorate he targets resides..

It was expected that he would start shooting against the Frente Amplio, but he also pointed his guns at the government of the liberal Luis Lacalle Pou. “At this moment, this CP needs to be an instrument of change (…) The subject that I know a little about, after having spent 40 years living with criminals, is security, a subject that, raised in the terms that I raise it, Even within the party it is not always seen with the greatest favor and I have had strong discussions with members of the party who ask me to be silent or to tone down the things I say a little.but it is an issue that is on my stomach when the news is showing that crime rates continue to increase,” said Zubía.

About the FA he added that it was an “inoperative” manager of the State and about Lacalle that “in security the results continue to be totally low today” despite the fact that he was “a central participant in the security structuring of the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC) ”.

Zubía was not complacent with the multicolor coalition

“It is not acceptable that the coalition, which gargled with the issue of security, today continues to offer us as a solution to the issue of homicides in Uruguay the project of the NGO ‘interruptors’, where civilians, often rehabilitated ex-prisoners, are going to be those in charge of spreading the word of good will to reduce the number of crimes,” said Zubía about a recently presented idea.

«It is illusory, childish, aberrant that today we have to endure these schemes that were typical of the administration of (Eduardo) Bonomi at the head of the Ministry of the Interior. It cannot be that we continue dreaming of love and peace to confront crime,” he continued and drew applause from the right-wing electorate that would accompany him.

During a visit to police headquarters with other legislators, the representative recalled a meeting with a commissioner who had been stationed in an area considered “dangerous” in Montevideo for three months. At that time, he asked the commissioner about the number of violent confrontations he had experienced with criminals in that period, and the answer was emphatic: “none.” Faced with the disbelief that this statement usually generates, the candidate, in an energetic tone, expressed his desire to have security forces capable of repression, even if this implies the use of violence.

During his speech, the Third Way politician strongly criticized the alarming figure of 380 murders recorded in 2022, warning that this figure could be exceeded in the current year. Highlighting the difference in his approach with respect to the former Minister of the Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, the legislator reported on a recent conversation with his successor, Nicolás Martinelli. According to Zubía, this conversation, which lasted two hours, resulted in a “letter of credit” from the new minister, who shares the need to approve a law interpreting the Constitution to allow night raids. In this sense, Zubía presented an initiative to carry out said legal modification.

In a critical tone, the deputy expressed his skepticism about the possibility of improving security management, attributing the difficulties to the “lukewarm” policy regarding repression adopted by the President of the Republic.

Regarding his position on the political spectrum, He defined himself as part of the “center-right.”, highlighting the defense of “ancient values ​​and those of other generations” that, according to him, are unfortunately being lost. Likewise, he proclaimed himself as a defender of democracy and the republic, differentiating himself from the Frente Amplio (FA), which he accused of being made up of forces responsible for “the greatest genocides in the history of humanity.” This statement generated a standing ovation among his followers.

#Zubía #launches #presidential #candidacy #repression #police #violence #main #proposal

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