Zvika Yehezkali: “The attack in Jerusalem is a wake-up call” | listen

by time news

The security tensions continue: a combined terrorist attack took place this morning (Wednesday) in Jerusalem, when a powerful explosive device exploded at a bus station in the city. About half an hour later, another explosion was heard – when a second bomb exploded in the Ramot neighborhood of the city. In the severe attack, the boy Aryeh Shechopek was murdered, and 22 other people were injured. Tzvika Yehezkali, the commentator on Arab affairs of ‘Hachot 13’, spoke with Arel Segal and Yariv Oppenheimer about the sequence of events in the capital, and about the significant security tensions.

Ben Gabir at the scene of the attack: “We must establish a government quickly, terrorism does not wait”
Hamas reacts to the combined attack in Jerusalem: “We warned that we will not be silent about the Zionist crimes”
An eyewitness to the first attack recounts: “I stood with dozens of people, maybe hundreds. It’s simply a miracle”

“The events of the morning brought back to us the memory of the attacks on the buses in Jerusalem, and not without reason,” he said at the beginning of his words on 103FM, “an attack like this requires planning in an explosives laboratory – bullets and screws, as well as organization and timing – so it’s a different story, and not a knife that you run towards a Mag fighter with “B at Shear Nablus.” He added: “First of all, who is the immediate suspect? In my opinion, if I look at the Jerusalem area, Fatah in Jerusalem is stronger than Hamas. I mean, if I also look at the last terrorists who left Jerusalem, I can bet in view of what is happening in the West Bank that this is the Fatah movement’s return to attacks.”

The scene of the attack in Jerusalem (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

He added: “I can currently estimate two things – we are clear that this is not a bomb that was brought in from the territories through the fence, but it is something that is created in Jerusalem, someone who knows the routine and the city. I can also warn you in light of what I know, I am talking to Fatah operatives , that there is an energy in the area that says ‘this space is convenient for action and even for a step up’. The second thing I say is the matter of the security forces – there is a wake-up call here.”

“It’s true that you can’t get into the head of a terrorist who got up in the morning and took a knife, but you can do a lot of preliminary actions. See, incitement and the intention of the Palestinian Authority. The attack in Ariel was a Fatah person,” he emphasized.

Oppenheimer noted that “Terrorism is terrorism against everyone, but if we analyze the other side, let’s analyze what happened until now – until now, Fatah has been careful to attack settlers, policemen and soldiers. That’s why today’s attack is unusual.” Yehezkali replied: “If you go by your rule, which you say was a rule, then you say ‘it’s not Fatah’. I say Fatah has stepped up.”

Why is the population in the territories so supportive of terrorism? Why is there support today?
“Why is there more support for attacks today than a few years ago? Because the more the Palestinians receive approval, and know that if they carry out attacks they will not harm them, they go in both directions. If you are now waging a struggle for so many years, and there is an entity in front of you that can absorb attacks and give you Entry, won’t you do it? This is the result of an opportunity. The Shin Bet is also caught in this trend, the movement and energy in the field is that of an intifada, who can do it.”

Yehezkali added: “Unfortunately, holders of blue identity cards can certainly do that. One of the problems of a Western mind, which most of the time is not Western, one of our problems in deciphering the Middle East is to link cause and effect. By virtue of my acquaintance with the Palestinians, I can tell you that I parted One thing – cause and effect. You think that if they don’t do all the things, everything will be fine, it won’t be fine. I think that the energy, the attacks that are happening right now, is an option. They see you as someone who can tolerate and not break the Genesis order.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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