Από σήμερα οι αιτήσεις στο «Εξοικονομώ 2025»

by time news

The Greek Ministry of Habitat adn​ Energy has officially launched the “Exoikonomo 2025” program, allowing eligible​ households to apply for funding starting today, january 8, at ⁢1 PM.⁢ Interested ⁢applicants⁢ can submit ⁣their requests electronically until March ⁣20, 2025, exclusively through the program’s official website at exoikonomo2025.gov.gr. Notably, the submission process for the “Change Heating System and⁢ Water‍ Heater” initiative will commence on January 13 due to technical reasons. This program, with a budget ‌of €434 million, aims to support ‌households in installing modern solar water heaters and heat pump systems, ⁣contributing to notable ⁤energy savings‌ and enhancing residential energy efficiency across the ​country.The “Exoikonomo 2025” program is set‍ to revolutionize ⁤energy efficiency in Greece by ‌providing substantial financial support for⁤ homeowners looking to ​upgrade their primary​ residences, ‌including single-family homes and individual ​apartments. With funding starting at 50% and⁣ possibly covering up ​to 100% of investment costs,the initiative‌ aims to ‌enhance energy ⁢performance⁤ by at least ⁢three categories. Special incentives are ⁢available for ⁣families with disabled members,‌ victims of recent​ natural disasters in Thessaly,‌ and those with three or more ⁤dependents, ensuring that vulnerable households receive the assistance‍ they ‍need. This program not only promotes enduring living ‌but also supports communities in recovery from recent adversities.κυριά.

-Στις ​επιλέξιμες δαπάνες του προγράμματος ​συμπεριλαμβάνονται οι ακόλουθες:

* αντικατάσταση κουφωμάτων,

* τοποθέτηση/αναβάθμιση θερμομόνωσης,

* αναβάθμιση συστήματος θέρμανσης/ψύξης,

* σύστημα ζεστού νερού χρήσης με χρήση Ανανεώσιμων ​Πηγών Ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ),

* λοιπές παρεμβάσεις‌ εξοικονόμησης‍ ενέργειας, όπως‍ είναι η εγκατάσταση έξυπνου συστήματος​ διαχείρισης (smarthome) και συστημάτων αποθήκευσης ενέργειας ‌(μπαταρίες).

Ως‍ κριτήριο αξιολόγησης των προτάσεων ενεργειακής αναβάθμισης που ⁤θα υποβληθούν θα χρησιμοποιούνται ​οι βαθμοημέρες θέρμανσης και θα‍ δίνεται προτεραιότητα στις ⁣ψυχρότερες περιοχές της χώρας, δεδομένων ‍των​ ιδιαίτερων​ αναγκών ⁢τους.

Το «Εξοικονομώ⁣ 2025» και το «Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και Θερμοσίφωνα» υλοποιούνται ⁢στο πλαίσιο του ⁤“RePowerEU”, του Εθνικού ⁢Σχεδίου Ανάκαμψης και Ανθεκτικότητας «Ελλάδα 2.0» με ‌τη χρηματοδότηση της Ευρωπαϊκής ⁢Ένωσης–nextgeneration EU.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορούν να καλούν στα ⁤τηλέφωνα: 2131513753 ,⁤ 2131513745 (καθημερινές, 9:00 π.μ. – 5:00 μ.μ.).


The word “empty” can be ‍explored from various perspectives, including its definitions, usage, and derivation. Here’s an overview based on the ⁢provided sources:

  1. Definitions ‌and Meanings:

– The primary definition of “empty” relates to the state of containing nothing; such as, an empty​ container is one that has no contents. It can also refer to a lack of significance, feeling, or emotion, as in feeling “empty” after a loss ⁢or disappointment.

– In ‌grammatical terms, ⁣”empty” functions as both an adjective (e.g., “an empty room”) and a noun (e.g., “the empties” ⁤referring to empty containers) [2[2[2[2].

  1. Synonyms and⁢ Antonyms:

– Common ⁣synonyms for “empty” include “vacant,”‍ “void,” “devoid,” and “bare.” Antonyms include “full,” “occupied,” and “complete” [1[1[1[1].

  1. Usage in various Contexts:

– The term can be applied across various contexts: ⁢physical spaces (like empty rooms), emotional states⁢ (feeling‍ empty), and even in specific fields, such​ as linguistics, where it may describe ⁢a lack of substantive content⁤

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