▷The importance of perfumes ✔️

by time news

Any social or corporate image consultant will admit over and over again that the way we present ourselves in our social circles is essential to evolve within them. We talk, of course, about what clothes we wear, our personal hygiene and the care of some details such as hair and nails and, in the case of men, a well-groomed beard. However, there is something else to keep in mind.

There are few things as attractive as feeling a delicious aroma coming from someone. It leads us directly to think positive things about that person and even consider him as someone who must be respected and treated well. For this reason the deodorants and especially the fragrances that we use must be carefully considered. Whether they are Women’s Perfume or for men, these should always be on hand to use in our daily routine.

Perfume It is essential when introducing ourselves to our work, our school or university and, naturally, during our social outings on the weekends. Science has shown that using a good perfume brand for men or woman makes the user become someone more self-confident and confident to face the daily tasks.

In addition, the proper use of a good perfume can impact those around us, inviting new socializations of all kinds and, in addition, offering a comfortable and attractive environment for those around us. For this reason, it is not surprising that the business of expensive perfumes for men or woman is so successful and that the purchases of these never decline with the passing of time.

Some people do not give any importance to perfumes since they believe that they do not add much in social terms. However, perfumes have proven to be able to provide essential points that have to do with the image not only external but also internal that we have, since there is a symbiotic quality between the two. The best women’s perfumes u man can make the difference between a good day and a bad day.

You have to think about it this way, don’t we stay away from places and people that smell bad? Do not we urgently clean something in our home that does not have its usual aroma? For this reason we use perfumes: to attract, convince, impress and show that taking care of our image is important for us. After all, if the picture is worth a thousand words, then so is the scent!

In this sense, we want to share with readers some among the vast choices that exist of these fragrances, so that they can choose the ideal perfume for them. After all, the main purpose of using a good perfume is to wear something that makes us feel identified with our personality, interests and goals. It is the ideal moment to prepare our noses and choose the best for us!

How to find our favorite scents

Although there are specific experiences, we cannot avoid talking about the effects that a good perfume has on a man or a woman. The aromas, on many occasions, They are the main connectors with our memoriessomething that touches our soul, makes our experience fruitful and inspires us to be better people in all aspects of our lives.

So how do we want to present ourselves, in an aromatic sense, in front of others? The basis of this choice is very simple: never pretend! We should never choose perfumes that do not seem right for us. It is imperative to present ourselves to others the way we see and feel and never use a scent that alienates us from what we have inside.

Let’s get down to the specifics. Before buying fragrances or expensive perfumes for men we must first “savor them”, but with our nose, of course. We recommend, to begin with, visiting perfume stores and simply smelling the caps of these, although not too many, since we could tire our sense of smell. It is preferable that we never put test perfumes on our wrists or body as is usually done.

In second instance: let yourself be carried away by your senses and sensations. Some branded women’s perfumes they can make women feel less or more “girly”, but this choice belongs to each person who chooses the perfume. The same goes for men and perfumes that appear to be more dry or “masculine”. In short, we must choose what our brain accepts immediately.

  • Let’s start with clear examples to guide the way a bit, in this case, of men. Between the best perfumes for men we will find some that provoke romanticism, confidence and some masculine power, like the famous Sauvage by Dior.

The classic lavender, moss, and mint scents of this one are very pungent but not overpowering, something that makes them attractive and serious to other people. We are talking about an ideal perfume for meetings both with friends and of a professional nature (our bosses will look much more comfortable around us, for sure!).

  • On the other hand, to name a women’s perfume brandwho undoubtedly has enormous fame, we must name Carolina Herrera, who has broken the market with her perfume CH both for its exquisite aroma and its affordable price.

It is a fragrance mostly citrus (lemons, grapefruit and bergamot), refreshing and even savourable, with woody touches due to the cedar used, rose petals and leather. This perfume offers a sensation of cultured, formal and practically inevitable sensuality for those around us.

In general terms, the choice of our perfume will be limited to our tastes and needs. There are fragrances that will be ideal for gatherings with family or friends, and others that we will consider better to use to shine in our work. After all, our sense of smell will always be the most experienced guide.

This certainty that some aromas offer us must be taken advantage of, and thus we will see first-hand that the perfect perfume is dictated by a literal sixth sense.

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