與, considering revising the ‘100% party member voting rule’ created by Representative Chin Yoon… Chin-yoon is a sneer

by times news cr

2024-04-18 10:00:21

Ignoring public sentiment is cited as the reason for defeat in the general election.
Non-mainstream voices calling for “submission rule revision”
Na Kyung-won, tea meeting with female elected officials, etc.
Senior players are taking quick steps to ‘increase in size’

The People Power Party has decided to leave open the possibility of revising the current convention rules to elect the party leader with 100% of party member votes. The intention is to acknowledge that the current rule, which reflects ‘party sentiment’ rather than ‘public sentiment’ as much as possible, was one of the reasons why the People Power Party was shunned by voters, and will bring it to the discussion table. At last year’s March 8 National Convention, the rules were changed to reflect only ‘party sentiment’ in leadership selection, and a ‘Yeongnam-centered leadership’ was formed that largely reflected Yun Shim (President Yoon Seok-yeol’s intention). However, as increasing the rate of general public opinion polls increases the likelihood that the party’s non-mainstream members will be elected, there are observations that the existing mainstream pro-Yoon (pro-Yoon Seok-yeol) faction may protest and conflict may arise.

Meanwhile, as the national convention is set to be held as early as June, the party’s crisis is being resolved slowly, and the competition among leading figures who are considered candidates for party leadership to increase their size is intensifying. One senior elected official said, “Isn’t it true that we need to take control of the party regardless of how we resolve the party’s defeat? “It doesn’t look good.”

● There is a debate on the sublease rules within the company.

Bae Joon-young, Acting Secretary-General of the People Power Party, met with reporters on the 17th and asked about the possibility of revising the convention rules, saying, “I know that 100% (party member voting) is problematic.” In a phone call, Acting Director Bae explained, “It will be put on the table for discussion,” and “Discussion and decisions will be made by the national convention election management committee.”

The People Power Party changed the rules for the national convention to elect the party leader and supreme council member in December 2022, ahead of the March 8 convention last year, from the ‘7 to 3’ rule of 70% voting by existing party members and 30% based on public opinion polls, to 100 party members. Changed to % rule. Within the party, “If we change the rules, the party may become distant from the public sentiment.” There was a backlash that “a safety measure was put in place to allow pro-Yoon figures to take power,” but the change was led by the pro-Yoon camp. At the March 8 National Convention, former representative Kim Ki-hyun, who had a single-digit approval rating with low recognition, formed a ‘Kimjang Alliance’ with key pro-Yoon lawmaker Jang Je-won and was elected with a majority of the votes with full support from Chin-yoon.

Immediately after the defeat in the April 10th general election, voices erupted, mainly from the non-mainstream, saying, ‘We need to change the convention rules first.’ Representative Ahn Cheol-soo, who lost to former leader Kim in the primary at the time, said, “The national convention where former President Park Geun-hye was elected was 50% public sentiment and 50% party sentiment,” and added, “It is essential to change it.” Representative Yoon Sang-hyun also said, “The convention rules should be at the level of the Democratic Party of Korea, which has 75% party sentiment and 25% public sentiment.” On the other hand, key elected leader Chin Yoon said, “The party leader should be chosen by party members,” and “Are we going to elect a representative who will communicate and coordinate with Yongsan (the President’s Office), or will we elect a representative who will fight unconditionally?”

● “Competition to increase body size”

Despite the criticism that “we need to start over the defeat,” it is assessed that the competition for party leadership candidates to increase their size has intensified. President-elect Na Kyung-won, who gave up running for the national convention last year due to pressure from pro-Yoon first-term elected officials, held a tea meeting with female elected officials the day before (16th). Within the party, “The number of female lawmakers in the ruling party (21) exceeds the standard for negotiating groups. There was a response that said, “We have begun to strengthen our power.” Representative Kwon Seong-dong, who is ‘pro-pro-yoon’, has been sending out public messages one after another, including the public claim on the 15th that “let’s write a white paper for the general election.” President-elect Chin Yoon-gye said, “Rep. Kwon can lead the party while speaking the truth to Yongsan.”

On the 18th, Representative Yoon Sang-hyun plans to hold a seminar on ‘The path to rebuilding after a crushing defeat in the general election’ with first-time elected representatives Kim Jae-seop and Kim Yong-tae, both young people in their 30s. Rep. Kwon Young-se responded to a question about challenging the party leadership, saying, “As I am someone who clearly has responsibility for the success of our government, I plan to do it actively regardless of what position I hold.”

In addition, President-elect Kim Tae-ho and Ahn Cheol-soo and former Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong are also mentioned. Inside and outside the party, there are also rumors that former Emergency Response Committee Chairman Han Dong-hoon can run for the previous election.

A re-elected candidate from the metropolitan area pointed out, “It’s starting to move as our competitors are starting to move,” adding, “It feels like it’s early.”

Reporter Jo Kwon-hyung [email protected]
Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

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2024-04-18 10:00:21

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