[귀하신 몸] Itching of unknown cause…solution to combat itching in the elderly

by times news cr

2024-05-11 10:43:22

[귀하신 몸] Itching of unknown cause…solution to combat itching in the elderly

Today, Saturday the 11th, 9:45 PM EBS <귀하신 몸>‘I’m Going Crazy Because It’s Itchy – Itching’ will be aired.

△ Itching makes people crazy!

Itching, a condition that causes the urge to scratch and rub the skin. Everyone has experienced it at least once. What if this symptom does not go away even if you scratch it until it bleeds, and continues day and night for over a week? It will ruin the daily routine that you have taken for granted, such as not being able to sleep well and being afraid to even get dressed. When itching becomes chronic, it reduces quality of life and causes depression. In addition, since itching can be a symptom of an internal disease, the cause must be found and treated as soon as possible.

△ Itching with no known cause, but was the cause within me?

Myeongsu Lee (62), who runs an apple juice factory in the countryside, has his daily life ruined by itching that comes day and night. Unable to bear the pain, he went to the hospital, but was diagnosed with unexplained itching and prescribed medication that was only temporarily effective. He was like that <귀하신 몸>Hear shocking facts. This is because the things we did carelessly in our daily lives were the cause of the itching.

△ Why doesn’t itching get better even after taking dermatological medication?

The itching that came to Lim So-jeong (42) was severe enough to leave red scars all over her body. The itching that comes from time to time does not go away no matter how much I scratch, so I have to apply an ice pack. I thought it might be an environmental problem, so I tried changing everything from clothing materials to facial products to no avail. I thought going to a dermatologist would solve the problem, so I took prescribed medicine and ointment and applied it, but there was no improvement. she was like that <귀하신 몸>After receiving the solution, the itching was surprisingly improved. How could it get better?

△ Why does itching get worse with age? How can elderly people get rid of itching?

Sook-hee Jeong (72) began experiencing severe itchiness last summer. She itched so much that she tried washing it with hot water, applying vinegar to it, and rubbing it with salt, but it didn’t get better, so she ended up staying up all night white-faced. In this way, she spent the whole night writhing in pain and even had many bad thoughts. She suddenly wonders why she is so itchy, but the only thing that has changed is her age. She felt at a loss because she couldn’t turn back the age she had already gained, so she decided to try to get rid of her itch. <귀하신 몸>asked for help.

△ Let’s get rid of itching by exercising properly and applying proper moisturizer!

Professor Lee Dong-hoon of dermatology (Seoul National University Hospital) says that the first way to solve itching is to apply moisturizer, but it must be applied properly as it can be poisonous if applied incorrectly. Also, if exercise is done incorrectly, it can cause itching, so an effective exercise method is needed. <귀하신 몸>introduces how to apply moisturizer and exercise methods to relieve itching.

The best experts in each field have come together to overcome the itchiness of three people! Special solution provided by Professor Lee Dong-hoon and exercise expert Lee Geum-ho! <귀하신 몸>reveals everything from how to properly apply moisturizer to the ‘Hyojason’ exercise to relieve itching.

EBS <귀하신 몸>is a new concept medical broadcast where Korea’s top health experts gather to present customized solutions such as medical diagnosis, exercise, and diet. Solutions from experts in each field broadcast on this day and amazing results after 18 days! For more information, see EBS 1TV today, the 11th (Sat) at 9:45 p.m. <귀하신 몸> You can check it out in Episode 52, ‘It’s Itching I’m Going Crazy – Itching’.

Photo by Reporter Park So-gi EBS ‘Precious Body’


2024-05-11 10:43:22

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