10 Concrete Proposals from Youth: Towards what (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-10-08 21:15:25

10 Concrete Proposals from Youth: Towards what new approach to youth policies at the time of the Restoration of Institutions, manifested by the CTRI?

October 8, 2023

For more than two decades, Youth Institutions have been nothing more than a shadow of themselves. After the observation, this youth makes ten concrete proposals to the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI)

Indeed, ” The Member States of the African Union adopted at the seventh ordinary session of the Conference held on July 2, 2006 in Banjul (Gambia), the African Youth Charter. They undertook to take the necessary measures, in accordance with the constitutional process and the provisions of this Charter, to adopt the legislative measures and other measures required in order to apply the provisions of the Charter, relating to the institutionalization of the National Councils. of the youth ».

Then, ” gathered in September 1999 on the occasion of the Moncton Summit (Canada), whose main theme was youth, the Heads of State and Government of the Francophonie, took the decision to create the Francophone Youth Parliaments (PFJ) and entrust its implementation to the Parliamentary Assemblies ».

17 years after ratifying the African Youth Charter and 24 years that establishing the French-speaking Youth Parliaments (PFJ), it is clear that these institutions are only partially functioning.

Beyond all the speeches and political commitments made in favor of youth, very few political decisions have been implemented.

The reasons are numerous, but we retain the following for our analysis:

1. The inadequacy between political speeches and actions and/or achievements;

2. The systematic attachment to the Ministry of Sports of the Youth section;

3. The partial exclusion of Youth from the decision-making and governance bodies of our country Gabon.

Will the roadmap of the new Minister in charge of Youth, Mr. André-Jacques AUGAND, carry the hope of real consideration of the difficulties and aspirations of Youth?

These are all questions that could clearly reflect the desire of our society, particularly 70% of the population (youth), to fully play its role in the face of history in this collective effort to rebuild the Nation.

To do this, we would like to share these 10 areas of solutions:

1. Give as much importance to the concerns of Youth as to those of Sport;

2. Conduct an audit on the state of play of Youth Organizations;

3. Integrate the notion of Youth in the diversity of its components (Student, Salary, Entrepreneurial, unemployed)

4. Integrate Youth into all decision-making and governance bodies in our country Gabon

5. Revitalize the National Youth Council and the Youth Parliament;

6. Complete the bill establishing, organizing and functioning of the CNJG;

7. Bring to fruition the draft orientation law for Gabon’s National Youth Policy;

8. Make the National Volunteer Program operational;

9. Integrate issues of employability and youth development into public policies;

10. Establish a digital platform (directory) of youth organizations.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that Gabonese youth represent the future of our Nation. With nearly 70% of the population in this age group, their well-being, education, employment and active participation in the political and social life of our country become major imperatives. Young people bear the heaviest burdens hindering our development, but they also hold the most promising potential to catalyze progress.

It is therefore imperative that leaders and policymakers think deeply about how they can reorient policies and programs in favor of youth. This means giving them the opportunity to express themselves and actively participate in decision-making.

For the Youth Collective for the Fatherland (CJP)


Deputy General Secretary

#Concrete #Proposals #Youth #Gabonews

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