19J.-Cs proposes a young mortgage for those under 35 years of age so that they can access their first home

by time news


The provincial secretary of Youth of Citizens (Cs) in Seville and candidate for the elections to the Parliament of Andalusia on June 19, Paula Esther Abao, has assured this Saturday that “young people will continue to be in the focus of the liberal policies of Citizens”, something that “we have already demonstrated with real events in these three and a half years at the head of the government of the Junta de Andalucía”.

In this sense, it has announced that “we will bet on promoting a young mortgage loan for Andalusians under 35 years of age”, so that “20% of the future mortgage is covered, without interest, for all those who are going to buy their first home ownership”.

A “firm commitment” that “we will redouble in the next legislature” so that “Andalusia continues to be a land of opportunities for the youngest”, he pointed out, according to a note from this party.

He recalled that “young people have been largely forgotten by the successive governments of Andalusia”, who “have been constantly harmed in the labor market, in the search for opportunities, in quality education and in access to living place”.

“The arrival of Ciudadanos to the government of the Junta de Andalucía has meant a change of course, with policies focused on their problems, which we now want to consolidate”, he indicated.

Abao, who has participated this weekend in an event with several young people from Ciudadanos Sevilla in the municipality of Palomares, explained that “we are clear that we must continue working for youth.”

“We will make housing accessible to young people”, through “public policies” such as “density bonds, construction of a greater number of homes and promotion of housing at an affordable price”, he continued explaining.

And all this, “without taking measures that distort the market and result in an increase in prices”, he explained. AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS FOR OPPOSITORS

The Liberal Party candidate added that “it is also time to increase aid and scholarships by 50% for opponents, mobility, excellence and to acquire language skills”, to which “we will add the design of a Retention and Attraction Strategy of Young Talent” so that “our students can enter the job market without having to leave Andalusia”.

“With Ciudadanos in the government of the Junta de Andalucía, the First Strategic Plan for Youth has been approved, endowed with 800 million euros” and, in addition, “we have focused on achieving a more stable labor market, promoting economic growth and guaranteeing that anyone who wishes can access university and vocational training”.

Moreover, “today we can ensure that eight out of ten young people who find employment in Spain are Andalusian”, he pointed out.

Abao has indicated that, along with all these proposals, “the implementation of a Shock Plan for Mental Health aimed at young people” is also contemplated, as well as “the commitment” to “double the places in VT in the branches most demanded for employability together with the definitive impulse of the Dual FP”.

All this shows, he added, that “at Ciudadanos we firmly believe in the young people of our land” and that, for this reason, “we are going to continue implementing the policies that are necessary to improve their situation”, just as “we have already done in this years”.

“It is clear that what works should not be touched” and that “the best thing for Andalusia is for Ciudadanos to continue giving stability to the Junta government for four more years,” said Paula Esther Abao.

“There is no doubt that if four years ago the orange vote was the most useful, on this 19J the vote for Ciudadanos will be decisive,” he concluded.

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