2022 elections: a revealing survey – did the union on the right help Netanyahu reach 61?

by time news

2022 election: A ‘News 13’ survey published today (Thursday) found that if the elections were held today the Likud, the party of the opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahuwins 32 seats, when there is a future, the prime minister’s party Yair Lapidwins 24 mandates.

A former associate of Netanyahu: “If he doesn’t have 61 – the rebellion within the bloc will begin”
The rate of undecideds is particularly high: one in four Israelis still does not know who they will vote for in the elections

The survey also found that the state camp of Gantz and Saar won 13 mandates, the United List of Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit obtained 12 mandates, Shas with 8 mandates, Torah Judaism with 7 and Israel Beitenu of Finance Minister Lieberman with 6 mandates.

The Labor Party and the Joint List win 5 mandates each and Meretz and Ream receive 4 mandates. The Zionist Spirit Party led by Shaked and Handel does not pass the threshold and receives 2.0% of the votes, Yaron Zelicha’s Economic Party wins 1.3% of the votes and Eli Avidar’s Free Israel with 0.3% of the votes.

In the division into blocs, the bloc of parties supporting Netanyahu reaches 59 seats, compared to the bloc of parties supporting Lapid with 56 seats, the joint list is not associated with any bloc and, as mentioned, wins 5 seats.

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The survey also asked about compatibility for prime ministership, and when Netanyahu was pitted against Lapid, the incumbent prime minister won 32% support compared to 48% for the opposition leader. When the percentage of compatibility for prime ministership between Netanyahu and Gantz was examined, the defense minister won 29% against 48% % to Netanyahu.

The survey also asked who in your opinion handled the nuclear agreement with Iran better, when 43% of the respondents answered that Netanyahu handled it better, 21% claimed that Prime Minister Lapid and Defense Minister Gantz handled it more appropriately, 12% claimed that both equally but 24 % said they don’t know.

The last question in the survey tested the public’s opinion about the appointment of Itamar Ben Gabir to the position of minister. 48% said they were not interested, 27% said they were interested in seeing Ben Gabir sing, 17% claimed it didn’t matter to them and 8% did not know.

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