2022 of the Kotayk regional governor’s office was presented to the Prime Minister. activity report and projects implemented in the current year – 2024-05-05 21:18:35

by times news cr

2024-05-05 21:18:35

Today, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan left for Kotayk Marz on a working visit. During the consultation held in Hrazdan city, the Prime Minister was presented with the 2022 plan of the governor’s office. activity report and progress of projects implemented in the current year.

Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan, Head of State Control Service Romanos Petrosyan, Governor of Kotayk Aharon Sahakyan and other officials participated in the consultation.

The head of the government was first informed about the subsidy programs implemented in the region and currently in progress. According to the report, in 2018-2023 356 subsidy programs were implemented and are being implemented in the following areas: construction of residential streets, repair, paving of yards, construction of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems, repair, repair, construction and reconstruction of kindergartens, construction/renovation of public buildings, parks, shared ownership of apartment buildings repair of property, construction/repair of street lighting systems, gasification of settlements, acquisition of machinery, equipment, acquisition of property (kindergarten, playground, cultural center/), renewable energy, including installation of solar photovoltaic plants, drilling of deep wells, development of community master plans :

In 2022, 60 subsidy projects worth 12 billion drams were approved, 80 percent of which have been completed. For 2023, 40 projects were approved with a value of 11 billion 227 million drams.

The prime minister was also informed about the works carried out in the field of urban development in the reporting year. Accordingly, 92 buildings have been legalized, 121 are in the process of being legalized, and 89 have been suspended within the scope of measures to detect and prevent voluntary constructions.

In terms of land use, it was submitted that in the reporting year, 111.57 ha of plots were changed in purpose, 15908.0 ha of state-owned land was leased, 282.36 ha of land were sold by auction, and 87.27 ha of agricultural plots were changed.

Within the framework of administrative reforms, training of the staff of community service and local self-government bodies was carried out.

According to 2022 of the performance of municipal budgets’ own revenues, property taxes from real estate amount to 1 billion 377.9 million drams, property tax for vehicles – 1 billion 829.4 million drams, local duties – 313.3 million drams, state duties – 99.2 million drams, land and property rent – 275.8 million drams, garbage collection fees – 550.5 million drams.

It was also reported to the Prime Minister that the construction works of the first sanitary landfill in the republic within the framework of the “Kotayk and Gegharkunik Marzes Solid Household Waste Management Program” are in the final stage. It was noted that 90 percent of construction works have already been completed.

Information was presented about the work of Citizen Service Offices. It was noted that there are 9 CSIs in the communities of the region, which provide about 22 types of services.

Regarding the works carried out in the field of education, it was reported that in the reporting year, 789 teachers were certified as part of the mandatory certification of teachers, 134 teachers passed voluntary certification, “Armat” engineering laboratory was opened in 27 schools, 15 thousand 430 students were given school meals in 88 schools, 39 thousand 909 students used the school subscription system, the number of mentor schools is 3, distance education is used by 2 schools.

With the funds of the state budget and schools, construction works were carried out in Katnaghbyur primary school, Jrarat secondary school, Hrazdan N2 primary school, Abovyan N2 primary school, Bjni and Kanakeravan secondary schools, Abovyan N8 primary school.

It was reported that about 53 million drams worth of projects were implemented at the expense of savings. In particular, medical equipment was purchased for the Abovyan maternity hospital, medical equipment was purchased for the Abovyan medical center, repair works were carried out for the patho-anatomical building, medical equipment, property, computers were purchased for the Charentsavan medical center, the basement floor of the Nair medical center was repaired. medical equipment was purchased, repair works of the pathological-anatomical building were carried out.

Within the framework of social security, a number of programs have been implemented in the region: “The program for the provision of housing purchase certificates /HGV/ in order to provide permanent housing to persons who emigrated from Azerbaijan in the years 1988-1992 and are in priority need of housing” (68 beneficiary families), 5 families of the settlement located in the Voghjaberd landslide zone were given are certificates for the purchase of apartments, 6 children’s and youth camps (3200 children of martyred and wounded freedom fighters, militiamen and needy families) were organized under the “Organization of summer vacation for schoolchildren” program.

Regarding the works carried out in the field of agriculture, the head of the government was presented with details about arable lands, pastures, crops, productions carried out in greenhouses, it was noted that there are 4535 ha of fruit orchards in the region, of which 878 ha are intensive orchards. 155 ha have an anti-hail network, and 376 ha operate with drip irrigation. Last year, 4 smart livestock farms were established in the marz with the help of the state support program. The prime minister was also presented with details about agricultural animals, cattle breeding, as well as the condition of 21 slaughterhouses operating in the region.

The following programs were implemented by the Ministry of Economy in the reporting year: “Subsidy of interest rates on loans provided to the agricultural sector” program, “Support for leasing of agricultural equipment in the Republic of Armenia” program, “Support for leasing of equipment for the agri-food sector in the Republic of Armenia” program, “Granted for the purpose of procurement (purchase) of agricultural raw materials” loan interest rate subsidy” program, “Support for the construction or reconstruction of small and medium “Smart” livestock buildings and their technological support” program, “State support for the investment of small and medium greenhouse farms” program, “Development of intensive horticulture in the Republic of Armenia, introduction of modern technologies and non-traditional 2021-2023 state support program for promoting the production of high-value crops, pilot program for the introduction of an insurance system in the field of agriculture, “2019-2024 beef development in the Republic of Armenia” program, “2019-2023 development of sheep and goat breeding in the Republic of Armenia” program.

The amount of subsidies for the above-mentioned programs implemented by the Ministry of Economy exceeded 1 billion drams.

It was reported to the head of the government that in 2018-2022 The Territorial Development Fund of Armenia also implemented projects in the region, in particular, the construction and repair of residential streets, drinking water supply systems, drainage systems, irrigation systems, repair of the roof of the kindergarten, replacement of windows and heating, necessary technical means for communal service were purchased, installed are solar photovoltaic plants, construction of parks, parks, parking lot was carried out.

The “Road Department” foundation carried out major and medium repairs of national and interstate highways, and organized a competition for the selection of the organization serving the unified route network of the region. Over the past year, 45 km of republican and interstate roads were overhauled in the region, and average repairs were carried out on 47 km of the road.

The regional activity was also presented to the Prime Minister within the framework of events held in the field of culture and sports. Accordingly, the representatives of Nor Hachyn 1 primary school took the 1st and 3rd places at the “Sportlandia” sports event, the Nor Hachyn 1 primary school took the 3rd place at the “National Assembly Cup” draw, the “Prime Minister’s Cup of the Republic of Armenia” table 12 athletes participated in the amateur tennis tournament, Geghashen secondary school took 5th place in the “Prime Minister’s Cup of the Republic of Armenia” team cross-country race for 10-12th graders, 14 cyclists participated in the “Prime Minister’s Cup of the Republic of Armenia” cross-country cycling race.

The Prime Minister was interested in the ongoing projects in the above-mentioned directions, and gave a number of recommendations on their effective implementation. In particular, the Prime Minister emphasized the implementation of the necessary changes in the order of tenders for road construction, schools, kindergartens construction and overhaul, which will exclude the participation of companies that do not have the necessary capabilities and, as a result, the delay of various programs and the emergence of problems. The Prime Minister instructed to carry out follow-up work to expand intensive gardens, smart livestock farms and other agricultural programs in the region and to provide farmers with the necessary information. “Our task is to spread information as much as possible in order to create better opportunities for people and to increase the quality of products. We should also work with the Ministry of Economy in order to further improve the programs,” said Nikol Pashinyan.

The Prime Minister was also interested in the major housing construction investment projects in the region. It was reported that large-scale plans for the construction of apartment buildings are being implemented in Abovyan, Zovuni, Hrazdan, Tsaghkadzor, Charentsavan.

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