‘2024 Seoul Bicycle March’ held… 7,000 bicycles will run 21km from Gwanghwamun to World Cup Park

by times news cr

2024-05-13 07:19:51

(File photo) 2023.5.21

Seoul City and Runable Co., Ltd. announced on the 13th that they will hold the ‘2024 Seoul Bicycle March’, which will run 21km by bicycle from Gwanghwamun Square to World Cup Park.

The ‘Seoul Bicycle March’, which celebrates its 16th anniversary this year, is an event to promote the use of bicycles, an eco-friendly means of transportation, and to promote safe bicycle use.

This grand march consists of a course that allows bicycles to freely ride on roads where they normally cannot run freely due to being crowded by vehicles, and 7,000 people, including bicycle clubs, will participate. About 200 foreigners are also planning to enjoy the beautiful scenery of downtown Seoul and the Han River.

The driving course is a total of 21km, starting from Gwanghwamun Square, entering Gangbyeonbuk-ro at the northern end of the Hangang Bridge, and ending at the World Cup Park Peace Square section. It is a non-competitive ride where you can run leisurely with your family without speeding.

They will gather at the Gwanghwamun Square playground starting at 7 a.m. on the 19th of the event and depart at 8 a.m. Participants do warm-up stretching before departure and then depart sequentially in groups consisting of advanced, intermediate, and beginners (25 to 15 km/h).

‘Freeriding’, which was operated on a pilot basis last year, will be operated as a formal program starting this year. Approximately 3,000 citizens who applied to participate enjoy city riding on various routes, starting from a location of their choice and ending at the final destination, World Cup Park Peace Square. Participants must ride a bicycle for more than 10 km, arrive at World Cup Park Peace Square by 3 p.m. at the latest, and have their mileage certified by the organizer.

To ensure the safety of participants, 5 ambulances, 1 return bus and truck, and 2 police cars will be on site to prepare for accidents and unexpected situations. 300 bicycle safety guards will surround the march and ride along the entire section to ensure the safety of participants. is responsible for

There will also be side events that participants and the general public can enjoy after completing the ride. At World Cup Park Peace Square, you can enjoy various programs such as △celebratory performance, △bicycle quiz, △turtle bicycle contest, and exhibition of Ttareungi and bicycle equipment.

In order to conduct the event safely, the city will gradually restrict vehicles on the road in the driving section. From 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., traffic is controlled sequentially according to bicycle progress at Gwanghwamun Square, Sejong-ro Intersection, Seoul Station, Yongsan Station, the northern end of Hangang Bridge, Gangbyeonbuk-ro toward Ilsan, Gayang Bridge IC, and World Cup Park, minimizing inconvenience to automobile traffic. do.

About 900 people, including police officers, exemplary drivers, and safety personnel, will be deployed to ensure the safety of event participants and smooth traffic control.

Jong-jang Yoon, head of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Urban Transportation Department, said, “Using this event as an opportunity, we will pursue bicycle-friendly policies such as expanding Ttareungi and expanding bicycle infrastructure so that bicycles can play a capillary-like role in Seoul’s transportation.”

Reporter Kim Jeong-hyun photo News 1 file photo


2024-05-13 07:19:51

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