25th World AIDS Congress in Munich: Over 15,000 Participants Expected to Declare War on Virus

by time news

2024-01-05 20:13:55
The 25th World AIDS Conference is set to take place in Munich from July 22nd to 26th, 2024, with more than 15,000 participants expected to attend. The conference aims to bring together scientists, doctors, health experts, and activists from over 175 countries to discuss ways to contain HIV and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS.

Despite the decrease in the discussion of the dangers of infection with the HIV virus, the disease AIDS has not been eradicated. According to Christoph Spinner from the University Hospital on the Right of the Isar at the Technical University of Munich, the number of infections is rising, especially in Eastern Europe, with Africa still having a high number of infections.

Around 40 million people worldwide are living with the virus, and around 9.2 million have no or insufficient access to therapy. The conference aims to mobilize political, scientific, and social forces to make treatment possible for infected people worldwide under the motto “Put people and communities first.”

Modern therapy allows people with HIV to lead normal lives and age healthily. However, the drugs are not available everywhere, especially in poorer countries. The conference also aims to provide more information about preventative medications, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), with the goal of halving the number of new infections.

The conference will address the global impact of HIV and AIDS and discuss strategies to combat the spread of the virus. With the increase in infections in Eastern Europe being attributed to a lack of access to health services and drug use, the conference aims to address these issues and work towards a solution.

This gathering is critical in the continued fight against HIV and AIDS, and the world will be looking to Munich as a pivotal point in the battle against the virus.]
#World #AIDS #Conference #Millions #HIVinfected #people #treatment

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