3 Basic Migraine Remedies by BTX Migraine Center

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Alt: Migraine Check ServiceBTX Migraine Center

Migraine is a type of chronic headache disorder. which usually has a headache on one side first then pain in both sides The migraine headache is a common disease. And migraine headaches can be categorized. Two major types are Asymptomatic migraines and asymptomatic migraines are characterized by migraine pain usually characterized by throbbing pain characterized by moderate to severe pain. While the pain is often accompanied by nausea, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity and vomiting, accompanied by migraine pain. It can happen from 1-2 hours or more. which affects daily life and in some cases migraine can occur In addition to headaches, such as abdominal migraine, in which the patient will have abdominal pain, twisting. But abdominal migraine is more likely to occur in children than in adults. or migraine in the eye with a temporary loss of vision The migraine occurs after a migraine headache, for example.

Today the way BTX Migraine Center would recommend pain reliever head primary migraine 3 way

There are many ways to cure migraine headaches, starting from avoiding the triggers of migraines and using different methods to relieve migraine headaches. For the methods that are currently popular are as follows.

1. Cold compresses to treat migraines By using refrigerated gel bags placed on the forehead and eye sockets, the cold will help constrict blood vessels and relieve pain well.

2. Reflexology This method is a popular method. And there is research abroad that can help relieve migraine pain as well. There are 3 points for relaxing migraine symptoms: hands, feet and occiput.

3.Consult your doctor or specialist for migraine screening.

for Migraine is a difficult disease to diagnose, requiring a neurology specialist to examine and diagnose migraines. Initially, it can be diagnosed from history taking. as well as diagnosed through medical technology such as MRI or CT Scan.

1. Take preventative migraine medication. or migraine medication to reduce acute pain

2. Pain medication injections

3. Botox injections to treat migraines which injection methodBotox MigraineIt is suitable for people who have chronic migraine pain or take migraine medication and migraine pain does not get better. This method of treatment must be treated by a systemic physician. Nerve and brain directly

For those who have pain Head and don’t know if it’s a symptom of migraine or not. You can ask a neurological and brain specialist at BTX Migraine Center

or enter the website https://www.migrainethailand.com/

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