3 famous weapons of Vietnamese mythology The second dish penetrates armor

by time news

2023-12-09 08:46:00


Vietnamese mythology is a fascinating cultural treasure with many amazing stories about heroes, gods, mystical creatures and historical events. In those stories, weapons play an important role, not only as fighting tools but also as symbols of the strength, spirit and faith of the Vietnamese nation. Among them, there are 3 types of divine weapons with extraordinary power:

Saint Giong’s iron horse

Thanh Giong’s Iron Horse is a horse made of iron, capable of breathing fire and flying in the air. This horse was used by Thanh Giong, a legendary hero of Vietnam. Legend has it that when our country was invaded by the An invaders, Thanh Giong was only a three-year-old child who could neither speak nor laugh. But when he heard that the court needed a hero’s help, Thanh Giong suddenly spoke and asked the messenger to tell the king to make him an iron stick, an iron horse and an iron armor.

From then on, Thanh Giong grew up as fast as he could, stretching out and becoming a tall and strong hero. When the enemy arrived, the soldier patted the horse’s butt, put on his armor, held a whip, and jumped on the horse. The horse breathed fire, the brave soldier spurred the horse and galloped straight to where the enemy was, rushed into the army of thousands of horses exuding unusually strong domineering spirit, the enemy died like straw.

When the iron whip broke, Thanh Giong pulled up bamboo clusters next to the road and threw them at the enemy. The enemy is broken. The remnants of the army trampled each other and fled, the brave men chased them to the foot of Soc mountain (Soc Son). Saint Giong returned home, bowed his head to his mother, thanked her for raising him, then climbed to the top of Soc Son mountain, rode an iron horse and flew to heaven.

An Duong Vuong Magic Crossbow (Lien Chau Crossbow)

According to legend, An Duong Vuong’s magic crossbow, also known as Lien Chau crossbow, is a type of magic crossbow that can shoot extremely powerful iron arrows that can penetrate all types of armor. The magic crossbow was made by general Cao Lo, who also helped An Duong Vuong build Co Loa citadel, the capital of Au Lac country.

The magic crossbow was given by the god Kim Quy to An Duong Vuong to help him expel the invaders Trieu Da. Thanks to the magic crossbow, An Duong Vuong defeated Trieu Da’s army, maintaining the country’s independence. Having failed many times before King An Duong Vuong, Trieu Da asked for peace and sent his son Trong Thuy to pray for him, but the main purpose was to find a way to destroy the magic crossbow. Princess My Chau – An Duong Vuong’s daughter, was caught off guard and gave Trong Thuy a magic crossbow, causing the tragedy of losing her country.

Thuan Thien Sword of King Le Thai To

Legend has it that at the beginning of the uprising, Le Loi still had no prestige and was pursued many times by the Ming army. One time, Le Loi visited the house of general Le Than and saw a sword blade engraved with the word “Thuan Thien”. Although the blade was sharp, he did not know it was a treasure.

Another time, while fleeing from the enemy, Le Loi accidentally found a jade-encrusted sword hilt. When he picked it up and saw how beautiful it was, he remembered the strange blade at Le Than’s house and took it home. When the two pieces are put together, the sword emits bright light and makes a sound like thunder. Le Loi understood that this was a magical weapon and named it Thuan Thien Kiem. Later, Thuan Thien Kiem helped Le Loi and Lam Son warriors expel the Ming army and regain independence for Vietnam.

According to folk tales, in early 1428, Le Thai To and his courtiers were sailing on Luc Thuy Lake for a stroll and admiring the scenery. Suddenly, he saw a golden light shining under the water and a moment later a golden turtle rose to the surface. then swam towards the king’s boat. At that time, Le Thai To suddenly remembered the sword that Le Than gave him with the words “Thuan Thien” that helped him defeat foreign invaders. As soon as he pulled the sword out of its sheath, the blade flew towards the golden turtle. The turtle held the sword blade and dived into the lake and from there the lake was named Hoan Kiem Lake (commonly known as Sword Lake).

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