The number of Telegram Premium subscribers has quadrupled over the year – Kommersant

by time news

2023-12-09 14:08:20

Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced, that over the year the number of Premium paid subscription users has quadrupled. Mr. Durov called Telegram Premium the fastest growing subscription among messaging services.

In October 2023, the service had 3.5 million paid subscribers, and now Telegram Premium is used by more than 4 million people. Telegram expects the number of active users to grow to 1.5 billion within 3-5 years, but currently the service is used by about 800 million active users per month.

Paid subscriptions are used by no more than 0.5% of the entire monthly audience. According to Mr. Durov, if 3% of the service’s audience subscribe to Premium, then Telegram will break even and be able to cover the costs of server maintenance itself.

Earlier, Telegram released an update that added similar channel functions, the ability to repost stories and video messages in them. Users can also now customize personal profile colors and set wallpaper for themselves and other people in chats.

Evgeniy Fedunenko

#number #Telegram #Premium #subscribers #quadrupled #year #Kommersant

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