3 keys to developing new cancer drugs

by time news

2023-07-31 22:00:32

The first case in history of a tumor occurred approximately in the year 2,000 BC
Currently, neoplasms are responsible for just over 9 million deaths per year.
Permanently there are investigations for the development of new drugs against cancer but the biggest drawback is the delay.

In the same way that new diseases constantly appear, there are also others that have existed for thousands of years. Within this second category is the cancer and is one of the reasons why new drugs are required. In fact, it has currently positioned itself as one of the leading causes of mortality on the planet.

The first case of cancer in history

In this sense, according to the medical literature the first case of a tumor in history occurred approximately in the year 2,000 BC All part of the work of some anthropologists from the University of Granada (UGr) in Spain. Through an excavation in Egypt, they identified the remains of two pharaonic-era mummies who died of breast cancer.

Now, back to the present, the World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that neoplasias cause a little more than nine million deaths per year. Although the most alarming thing is that the trend continues to increase.

Due to the above, research for cancer treatment and development of innovative drugs is at its peak. Although one of the biggest drawbacks is that all the advances take too many years to become a reality.

The report ‘Personalized medicine for cancer treatment: So close and so far’, prepared by the LLYC Healthcare team, addresses the need to reach an agreement between authorities, organizations and companies. It proposes public-private collaboration models that promote a dialogue with the patient, a new relationship and a convincing narrative to accelerate the adoption of innovative drugs for the treatment of cancer.

How to incentivize new cancer drugs?

Use the data to better understand the insights of patients and doctors. Thanks to AI (artificial intelligence) and the use of Big Data, we can now learn more about unmet needs and behavior patterns.

Understanding the context in which treatments are diagnosed and prescribed could have an impact on planning in the areas of medical affairs, access, business strategy, communication, and relationship. In addition, using new technologies, channels and trends in communication allow a genuine approach with the public.

Implement an analysis on the landscape of public policies and the regulatory environment. Here it is key to have a specialized team, with knowledge of the health ecosystem and therapeutic areas, to understand current regulations or evaluate initiatives in favor of patients.

The objective must be to work in coordination with decision makers to eliminate the barriers that prevent patients from having access to the most innovative treatments that care for and save lives.

A new narrative based on innovation and collaboration through alliances. A collaborative approach is required, and actions that bring innovation to those who need it most. This context represents a unique opportunity to build a narrative that positions companies as fundamental actors to contribute to the improvement of patients and health systems.

According to Javier Marín, Senior Director of Healthcare Americas at LLYC, personalized medicine for cancer treatment is taking steps forward, although it can go faster. The promotion of public-private alliances is decisive to offer a joint response and improve efforts to control this disease.

He also mentions that will and an urgent agreement are required between the health authorities, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and all the organizations in the sector so that the advances are not only hopeful, but a reality in the short term for the patient.

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