3 renegotiations you can join

by time news

2023-06-18 17:00:05

Individuals and companies with debts can rely on renegotiation programs to reduce the amount owed by reducing interest. In addition, regularization provides financial relief.

Portal Contábeis listed three programs that are open for membership. See what they are.

Unwind Brazil

Desenrola Brasil, scheduled to start in July, will have two categories of debt renegotiation.

Category 1 will be used to renegotiate debts of up to R$5,000 for individuals who are registered as defaulters by December 31, 2022 and who earn up to two minimum wages (R$2,640) or are registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

On the other hand, category 2 will cover people with debts in banking institutions, offering the possibility of direct renegotiation with the respective financial institution.

The government plans to benefit more than 70 million people, providing for the renegotiation of up to R$ 100 billion in debt.

tax transaction

The Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury (PGFN) presented a new tax transaction notice with new possibilities for negotiating tax debts with discounts and extended terms. Adhesion to the public notice can be made from June 1st to September 29th.

Among the renegotiation options are:

Small Value Transaction: makes it possible to negotiate tax debts for individuals, individual micro-entrepreneurs, small companies and micro-enterprises, as long as the total amount does not exceed 60 minimum wages, which is equivalent to R$ 79,200.

Transaction According to Payment Capacity: available to taxpayers with debts of up to R$50 million. The benefits offered in this modality are granted based on the classification of the taxpayer, where only those classified as C or D will be able to obtain discounts and longer terms. Taxpayers classified as A or B can still enjoy other benefits, such as easier entry and discounts on legal additions.

Transaction for Difficult or Irrecoverable Debts: category that covers taxpayers whose debts fall under specific conditions, such as debts registered for more than 15 years, suspended by court decision for more than 10 years, or debts owned by legal entities in special situations.

Enrollment Transaction Guaranteed by Surety Bond or Letter of Guarantee: the PGFN will be able to negotiate the debts after the final decision unfavorable to the taxpayer, as long as they are guaranteed by guarantee insurance or letter of guarantee.

zero litigation

Litígio Zero allows individuals and companies to renegotiate their tax debts with discounts and terms of up to 12 months. This is an exceptional measure of tax regularization through a resolutive transaction of tax administrative litigation made by the Judgment Office of the Federal Revenue.

Individuals, micro and small companies with debts of up to 60 minimum wages may have a 40% to 50% discount on the total amount of the fine.

For companies with fines greater than 60 minimum wages, a discount of up to 100% will be granted on the amount of interest and fines, and the debt amount can be paid in the same period already mentioned. In this case, it is also possible to use tax losses and the negative calculation base to settle between 52% and 70% of the debt.

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