3 signs that tell you if you are bitten by a mosquito or a cockroach: it is very similar

by time news

2023-11-30 02:22:11

It is almost impossible to prevent insects from entering our home, the bad thing is that they could bite you without you noticing, that is why we help you Know if a mosquito or a cockroach bit you.

Even if you don’t believe it, the bites from both insects They are very similar, so we recommend you pay attention to the following signs that will help you know how to differentiate them.

If you have noticed some hives on your skin and you still don’t know what type of insect it is, we recommend that you pay attention to the reaction, since it could be a mosquito, cockroach or spider, among other insects. Likewise, we share with you How to know if a mosquito or cockroach bit you.

What does a cockroach bite look like?

Surely you have been surprised to know that the cockroaches They can hurt your skin, but you should know that they don’t really sting, they bite.

How to know if I am bitten by a mosquito or a cockroach. Photo: iStock

The jaw of the cockroaches It is capable of biting with as much force as 50 times its own weight. You should know that if this insect bites you it can cause discomfort, irritation e swelling in the area, very similar to that of a mosquito.

Take into account that the bite of a cockroach It can cause some diseases and you could present some symptoms such as:

DiarrheaFeverAbdominal cramps between 12 and 72 hours after

What does a mosquito bite look like?

In accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Preventionit is important that you can differentiate when a mosquito bites you.

To be able to differentiate it, you must pay attention to the following symptoms:

Swelling in the areaItchingHard reddish-brown lumps, after 24 hoursBlisters instead of lumpsDark bruise-like spots

How to know if I am bitten by a mosquito or a cockroach. Photo: iStock

What diseases can cockroaches transmit?

Yes one cockroach If it bites you, it is important that you know that it is capable of transmitting a disease to you, so you must be aware of the reaction and go to a specialist, among the most common are:

Salmonellosis, Infectious hepatitis. Leprosy. Bubonic plague. Dysentery. Infantile diarrhea. Urinary or intestinal infections. Inflammation and pus abscesses.

Now that we have shared How to know if a mosquito or cockroach bit youWe invite you to watch the next video:

#signs #bitten #mosquito #cockroach #similar

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