30 years at MK: Marina Raikina celebrates her anniversary

by time news

The theater reviewer lives like a hero of Beaumarchais

April 14 marks 30 years since Marina Raikina, theater reviewer and editor of the literature and art department of Moskovsky Komsomolets, came to our editorial office. Her whole life is a Ferris wheel of cultural events. “Figaro is here, Figaro is there” – a phrase referring to the hero Beaumarchais, accurately characterizes the everyday life and holidays of Marina, her way of life.

Raikin does not consider herself a theater critic. It seems to her that this is too narrow a profile. Theatrical reviewer is a comprehensive concept, and perhaps her occupation can also be attributed to it.

Every evening, Marina goes to the theater, and during the day she interviews, goes to rehearsals. He quickly analyzes what he sees, writes reviews and reports – and all at breakneck speeds. Sometimes you need to react instantly, and then she dictates the text from the scene, gives out an exclusive. Every Wednesday, Marina goes on air on the MK website and talks about the most important events in theater life, talks with cultural figures.

Every year for many years, on her initiative, MK has been awarded the theatrical prize of the season – the shortest in the world, only 15 minutes. And this is enough for entire teams, talented youth, masters and even semi-masters (there is such a nomination – Raikina’s know-how) to receive their laureate plates, testifying to their achievements in theatrical art.

And our colleague manages to write books, one after another. The last one is dedicated to the Vakhtangov Theatre. Marina recently presented it at a book fair. She is a restless person, does not slow down, all the time she comes up with something, otherwise she would be bored. We congratulate Marina on her labor anniversary and wish her theatrical and creative energy for the next 30 years!

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