4 tips to avoid greenwashing in your medical office

by time news

2023-08-08 18:00:14

In recent times, the WHO has classified climate change as a public health problem that must be addressed immediately.
Greenwashing is based on creating an image of companies committed to the environment, although in reality they do not have concrete actions.
50% of the claims about some kind of green product, service or protocol on the internet lack scientific support.

Throughout the last decades, there has been widespread awareness of the problems that the environmental crisis and climate change imply for future generations. With this, quality practices and standards have been adopted in companies that seek to be kinder to the environment. At the same time, a phenomenon baptized as greenwashing which is very frowned upon by people and you should avoid it.

In its simplest definition it is a double standard adopted by companies. While in public they adopt an ecological stance, in their internal actions they are completely opposite because they go against the environment.

“Greenwashing is a marketing practice that must be completely eliminated by now. It is useless to say that a company is kind to the environment if it really does not have permanent impact actions. It is true that no company is 100% sustainable, for this reason one must be transparent and honest when communicating achievements and actions”, explains Tamara Chayo, CEO and Co-Founder of MEDU Protection.

According to data from the constant monitoring of the European Commission to websites and the use of greenwashing, around 50% of the claims about some kind of green product, service or protocol on the internet lack scientific support. In parallel, the report Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023 from the New Climate Institute has shown that the zero emissions results of the 25 largest companies on the planet are highly overestimated.

For all of the above, you must do everything possible so that your medical office does not fall into this type of malpractice. Some of the tips that you should apply are the following.

1. Transparency and veracity

The most important thing is that all green efforts and the measurement of positive impact on the environment are transparent. In other words, a company must communicate these protocols to both patients and investors, including its own collaborators and its industry. However, all such information must be true and intelligible.

2. Official standards and certifications

It is essential to recognize that the green path no longer has to be drawn from scratch for a company. After decades of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) criteria implemented in all industries, there are already basic standards and official certifications that guarantee the sustainability of processes, products and services. In order not to fall into greenwashing You can go to international institutions to be certified.

3. Audits and external reviews

Similarly to the previous point, any medical office committed to the environment and that is transparent with its information must resort to external audits and reviews so that there are checks and balances on the decisions that are made. In particular, that they guarantee that, in fact, what is said is fulfilled and that they are accountable to investors and the general public.

4. Integrity in products and services

In order for a medical office not to fall into unfriendly practices with the environment, it is essential that the green footprint is reflected in its products or services, whether they are manufactured with clean energy, whether they are products zero waste to generate less waste or that have the purpose of mitigating an environmental problem.

Also read:

Diseases caused by climate change and urbanization

Climate change must change the training of nurses: How should their preparation be for the future?

WHO issues an alert: “Climate change can affect mental health”

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