“40% more infections in 7 days, it’s Omicron effect”

by time news

Omicron variant in Italy, “new leap with a 40% increase in infections in the last 7 days “. It is the analysis, for time.news Salute, of the physicist Giorgio Sestili who, since the beginning of the pandemic, analyzes and monitors the epidemic trend of Sars-CoV-2.” This increase is most likely due to a very rapid spread of Omicron also in Italy and this is changing the cards on the table and is doing skip the mathematical models that predicted a peak for Christmas“.

“We knew of the speed of infections due to this new variant – Sestili recalls – In the United Kingdom it is dominant and it is probable that in seven days Italy will be in the conditions of Denmark. In fact, even in that country there was a 0.2% presence of Omicron and in a week they reached 40%. Italy could suffer the same fate, today we could already be around 10-15% prevalence of Omicron compared to the other variants and reach 40% in 7-10 days. “When asked what will happen at the epidemiological level during the holidays, Sestili points out that “there is no way to predict, the infections will rise and we will overcome the historical peak of cases of a year ago, reached in mid-November with 40 thousand cases”.

On what extraordinary measures could be taken tomorrow by the government’s control room, “a lockdown from an epidemiological point of view can help, but the consequences on the economy and society must also be weighed. intervene on large gatherings such as the football stadium. In Germany they return to closed-door matches. “

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