49 foreigners killed in freight truck crash Tamil News 49 migrants dead 58 injured in truck crash in south Mexico

by time news

The death toll from a freight truck crash in southern Mexico is expected to rise further.

In southern Mexico, 107 people were on board a freight truck heading towards the state city of Chiapas yesterday. Then, the truck lost control and crashed into a pedestrian bridge on the highway.

Of these, 49 died at the scene. Also, of the 58 injured, 40 who fought for their lives with serious injuries are being treated at a local hospital.

Luis Manuel Moreno, head of the Chiapas State Civil Defense Office, said:

Preliminary inquiries into the crash suggest that the occupants of the truck may have been immigrants from Central America.

However, some of the survivors said they were from neighboring Guatemala. Therefore, it is not yet certain which country they belong to.

About 107 people were traveling in the truck involved in the crash. The vehicle may have overturned due to overcrowding.

Also, it is said that there were more immigrants when the vehicle crashed and they fled for fear of being detained by immigration agents.

The death toll from the crash is thought to have risen.

Thus he said.

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