5 benefits that vaccines offer to the world population

by time news

2023-04-21 22:00:47

  • World Immunization Week will take place from April 22 to 29.
  • Risk prevention against various diseases stands out among the main benefits of vaccines.
  • According to the WHO, only during 2020 almost 23 million children did not receive basic childhood immunizations.

Self-care is basic for anyone because it is the key to reducing risks from possible diseases. For this reason it is always mentioned that prevention is better than cure. With this in mind, it is necessary to remember the benefits of vaccinations because it is a practice that has been lost in recent years.

First we must talk about the current situation and unfortunately it is not favourable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020 alone, almost 23 million children did not receive basic childhood immunizations. And to the figure must be added another 3.7 million that occurred in 2019.

During 2021 and 2022 the situation remained. The main causes of this phenomenon were mobility restrictions caused by the health crisis. Similarly, in some cases the Parents stayed away from hospitals, considering that they were dangerous and unsafe spaces. In the end, a severe problem was generated that can be irremediable for infants.

To reverse the panorama, World Immunization Week is commemorated during the last seven days of April. One of the objectives is to promote biological campaigns and talk about the benefits of vaccines.

For its part, since its creation a little over 200 years ago, immunizations have been completely transformed. Currently, there is high technology such as the messenger RNA platform with which the vaccine against COVID-19 was developed in record time.

Around this topic, the Dr. Diana Guarneros, who is Asofarma’s Medical Manager, mentions that there are many benefits of vaccines. Among the main ones are the following.

Immunization is a strategy that has prevented millions of deaths

It is estimated that the Vaccination will prevent 69 million deaths between 2000 and 2030. Even in diseases that are preventable today by vaccination such as Hepatitis B, Pneumococcus, Rubella or Rotavirus, which do not seem as lethal to us as in the past, thanks to their development.

To this we must add the 20 million lives that were saved with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine in just one year, according to a study carried out by the MRC Center for the Global Analysis of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London. .

Protect the children

Thanks to vaccination, diseases such as measles have drastically decreased their incidence among children. Despite the above, the anti-vaccine movements have allowed cases to rise. For this reason, the WHO has considered them one of the main threats to public health.

Prevent risk situations

For more than a decade, the vaccine against Human papilloma virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease that can trigger cervical cancer. The vaccine can reduce the risk of developing this infection and with it the development of cancer.

Vaccines are safe and effective

Organizations such as the WHO itself work to monitor the safety of vaccines, endorsed through the studies presented and the strict certifications under which they are evaluated. On the other hand, it has been shown that the versions with which various groups point to them as the origin of conditions such as autism are not only false, but also victimize the social groups that belong to said spectrum.

Also read:

1 in 100 general practitioners in Mexico doubts about the benefits of vaccines

From Mexico to the world: Vaccina Patria advances to the final stage of clinical development

Due to the pandemic, 30 million children did not receive their basic vaccines

#benefits #vaccines #offer #world #population

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