5 major disasters that caused disaster in 2021; Yas, do you know how much damage was done to India by the Dow-Te storm?

by time news

About 10 lakh people were evacuated to safety during the Henan floods in China this year. The floods were also a natural disaster that claimed many lives (302).

Yearender 2021 most destructive climate disasters: Greenhouse gases released into the air have caused various changes in the Earth’s climate. The catastrophes caused by the recent changes have caused a great deal of damage. Here are five of the most important climate change events of 2021.

Texas Winter Storm

More than 210 people were killed in a snowstorm in the US state of Texas from February 2 to 20. The Texas blizzard caused $ 23 billion in damage. The blizzard, which formed in the Pacific Ocean, moved and hit the United States. 150 million people faced this severe natural challenge. Many suffered without basic amenities, food and electricity. Electricity was cut off in millions of buildings. Although 210 people are said to have died, many have claimed that the actual loss could be three times this.

Yearender 2021 most most destructive climate disasters

Australian Floods

Most of the casualties in the Australian floods, which lasted from 10 to 24 March, were avoided. The damage was estimated at $ 2.1 billion. The epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued. Two people were killed in the natural disaster. The city of Sydney, located in New South Wales, experienced the wettest climate in history at this particular time. Environmentalists have warned that such events could increase 80-fold by the end of this century if carbon emissions are not controlled, as stipulated in the Paris Agreement.

Collector Lalita who came to the Collector’s office in the government bus for the 2nd week!

Yearender 2021 most most destructive climate disasters
Australian floods (Photo courtesy: Reuters)

French Cold Wave

From April 4 to 8, the event captivated the people of France. The damage was estimated at $ 5.6 billion. These cold waves caused a great deal of damage to France’s high grape cultivation this year. It is noteworthy that this year the winter was mild for parts of central France and the spring was characterized by severe frosts. The destruction of the vineyards was cited as the greatest agricultural loss of the 21st century. 80% of the crops grown in the Ronnie area were damaged by this severe winter. Research by the World Weather Attribution system shows that such cold waves have recently increased by 60% due to climate change.

Yearender 2021 most most destructive climate disasters
Frozen Vineyard – Location: Ronnie

Dukte storm (Dove-te storm) (Cyclone Tauktae)

Hurricane Daute lasted from 14 to 19 May. The Arabian coastal districts received good rainfall but great damage when crossing the coast. 198 people were trapped and killed. More than 2 lakh civilians were evacuated during the storm. The storm caused extensive damage to India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. The resulting cost alone is about $ 1.5 billion. Hurricane Dow-Te formed in the Arabian Sea and moved towards the west coast of India. The Maldives and and Sri Lanka were most affected. Dowry was the strongest hurricane to cross the coast of Gujarat since 1999. Favorable winds and prevailing weather strengthened the storm and called into question the preparedness against the storm.

Yearender 2021 most most destructive climate disasters
Damage caused by Dow-Te storm

Cyclone Yaas

This is another storm that has affected India. This caused damage worth Rs 3 billion in India and Bangladesh. The storm killed 19 people in India and Bangladesh. 11,000 people were evacuated to safer areas, according to a report by Counting the cost 2021: a year of climate breakdown. The storm formed in the Bay of Bengal and brought heavy rainfall to the state of West Bengal. Rivers and low-lying areas in West Bengal were submerged. More than 10,000 villages in Odisha were affected by the floods. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to such events as it is prone to frequent floods and the “immediate effect” of climate change. Researchers have warned of flooding in the Ganges delta and increasing salinity in groundwater.

Yearender 2021 most most destructive climate disasters
Yas storm; Cyclone Yaas

Other major disaster events and losses

Hurricane Ida ($ 65 billion) was the worst-hit event, and Europe the worst-hit event. The floods killed at least 240 people in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Material damage was estimated at 43 billion. About 10 lakh people were evacuated to safety during the Henan floods in China this year. The floods were also a natural disaster that claimed many lives (302).


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