5 things about memory that perhaps you did not know…, or had forgotten

by time news

2023-05-15 18:56:00

The Latin termto remember‘ (to remember) is made up of re– (‘again and –of the heart (heart), and means ‘to return to the heart’. An etymology that reveals what the Romans believed about memory: that the organ that housed this capacity was the heart.

In this sense, there are many myths that have been created throughout history to explain how the mind encode, store and retrieve the information it extracts from the environment. However, these beliefs have faded or been corroborated as the scientific community explored this terrain, which continues to present many unknowns.

Why the human brain is so special

Although much remains to be discovered, we now know not only that retention processes occur in the brainbut we also know other data that allow us to get the most out of this infinite drawer of data and experiences that we call memory.

1. all living things have memory

It is often said that memory can be of elephant -if it’s a lot- or pez -if it is little-. Within that range, which has no scientific basis, we find humans together with other living beings. Pavlov already demonstrated it with his famous experiment of the dog and learning by association, which led to the theory of classical conditioning.

But the Russian scientist was not the only one to corroborate the hypothesis that not only human beings have the gift of remembering: later it has been shown that even bacteria They have a chemical memory that they pass on to their descendants. And the amoebaswhich are single-celled organisms, are also capable of retaining information and learning by conditioned reflexes.

2. The nervous system is key to memory consolidation

Memory consolidation is what makes it possible to transform short-term memories into long-term memories.

#memory #know.. #forgotten

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