5 things from the first iPhone (Original) that changed the mobile game around the world.

by time news

It’s undeniable that Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs changed the world. With the release of the first iPhone (Original) in 2007, Jobs said, “The iPhone is a revolutionary and wonderful product that is five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” What made the first iPhone change the world?

5 things from the first iPhone (Original) that changed the mobile game around the world.

1. It’s time to touch.

Touching the phone with a touch screen is probably very common these days, but back when the first iPhone was released. At that time, most phones didn’t have touch screens, or some only needed a stylus to poke the screen.

Of course, the coming of the first iPhone is a touch screen smartphone. There are no alphanumeric keys to press. It is what makes it more convenient to use. and if anyone has tried using a smartphone that can touch the screen with fingers will not want to go back to using mobile phones with buttons again

2. Slim body

In addition to creating a touch screen experience, the first iPhone was also a smartphone designed to be very stylish at the time, with a slim and simple design. Concealing elegance, good looking, comfortable grip, easy to carry in a bag.

Most of the mobile phones in those days had a thick square design, similar to a box or brick that was usually hung on a belt. The slim and simple design is still in use today.

3. No more keyboard keys.

Before the launch of the iPhone, it was the era of BlackBerry that most people used to text messages a lot in those days because it had a keyboard that was very convenient and easy to type messages, replacing the number keys of modern mobile phones. Before using text typing, press the key repeatedly to select a character.

But the coming of the first iPhone with a large touch screen. almost completely occupies the front of the machine And there is also an in-screen keyboard that can be touched to type as well. which provides a new and more convenient typing experience.

4. Media is popular

Before the first iPhone came, most phones were used to make calls, send text messages, answer emails, and occasionally browse the web. But hardly anyone watches media like YouTube, TV shows, or mobile sporting events. But watching media became more popular when the first iPhone was released. User can view video Images can be viewed on a nearly full-length display screen.

The first iPhone also had a camera that could shoot video. Take pictures of everyday life causing most people to start using mobile phones to take pictures instead of digital cameras Because it’s easy and you get a good-looking picture.

5. The Beginning of the App Store

The first iPhones didn’t come with the App Store, but instead came with essential built-in apps, such as phone apps, weather, notes apps, calendar apps, photo apps, calculators, and so on. But users wanted a wider variety of apps. to meet the needs of each area whether in work or entertainment

And a year later (2008), Apple launched the App Store with more than 500 apps, allowing users to download and install apps on their iPhones as they please.

Although these things don’t look very special these days. But it also allowed us to see and learn how the first iPhone was a game changer for mobile phones around the world.

Source idropnews, image from Apple

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