700 thousand Bibles were distributed by Lagoinha in China

by time news

2024-05-03 18:02:09

Pastor André Valadão witnessed a project that the Lagoinha church undertook and managed to complete: the distribution of 700,000 copies of the Holy Bible in China, a country dominated by communism, a declared anti-Christian regime.

Last Thursday, May 2nd, André Valadão preached at the Lagoinha Alphaville branch, in Barueri (SP) and told those present that the distribution of Bibles in China was successful, a project carried out silently until completion.

“Last year in China, our church distributed more than 700,000 Bibles. You are here in Alphaville, but there in China, we are underground”, said the pastor, referring to the reality of Chinese Christians who need to congregate in so-called “underground churches”, an often literal description for congregations considered clandestine by the communist regime.

“We are in dark places, filled with the Holy Spirit, living the power of the Word of God”, added Valadão, who in the caption of the post on his Instagram account invited his followers to reflect:

“Can you be happy with us? What an incredible time we have been living! I can’t help but compare it with our reality, the Brazilian reality must be a huge incentive for us to do our best!”

According to the pastor – who became censored under order of Alexandre de Moraes – we need to do more with what evangelicals have at hand: “Give our best for the Gospel, participate in what God is doing in the nations, love our neighbors and want many to be saved and know the power of Jesus and the transformation that he can go wherever he goes!”

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