85-12 months-Previous Beats Stage 3 Lung Most cancers with Surgical Remedy: Dr. Manoon’s Success Story

by time news

2024-05-24 02:15:35

Stage 3 lung most cancers, Dr. Manoon reveals excellent news, surgical therapy reduces loss of life.

Date: 24 Could 2024 at 9:15 am

Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day Give up smoking at age 35. Dr Manoon takes the case of an 85-year-old affected person recognized with superior most cancers. Handled with surgical procedure After surgical procedure, no radiation or chemotherapy was given because of my superior age. Re-examination after 5 years Blood most cancers values ​​have decreased to regular ranges In the present day (24 Could 2024) Dr Manoon Leechawengwong, a health care provider who makes a speciality of respiratory programs and intensive care sufferers. Present data by means of private Fb at Take the case of most cancers sufferers Stage 3A lung most cancers (Stage IIIA), 5-7 centimeters in dimension, has unfold into the lymph nodes close to the most cancers on the identical facet of the lung. But it surely has not but unfold into the lymph nodes within the chest cavity. (mediastinal, subcarinal nodes) Surgical procedure reduces most cancers mortality. The prospect of survival for five years is about 1 in 3. This case is an 85-year-old male affected person who got here to the hospital on 15 April 2019 with low-grade fever, cough and sputum for 10 days to deal with smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day and give up smoking 35 years outdated, blood stress is excessive. The CEA 6.0 blood most cancers stage was barely excessive. There’s a gap inside. A pc scan of the lungs revealed an abscess-like lump, dimension 5 x 4 x 3.8 centimeters. The endoscope was inserted into the trachea. They noticed a tumor within the decrease left bronchus. It’s suspected that the most cancers has unfold to lymph nodes within the chest cavity. however not unfold to different locations Docs did open surgical procedure. The decrease left lobe of the lung was eliminated. Lymph nodes had been faraway from a number of locations within the chest cavity, sizes from 0.5 -1.5 centimeters The biopsy outcomes confirmed poorly differentiated squamous cell most cancers, measuring 5 centimeters The lobe lymph nodes weren’t discovered Infections had been additionally discovered across the most cancers it couldn’t be eliminated after surgical procedure Chemotherapy or radiation remedy because of outdated age Following up the affected person for five years, he’s now 90 years outdated and nonetheless in good well being On 21 Could 2024, the most recent lung X-ray was not detected that the most cancers was again. Blood most cancers CEA 2.5 values ​​decreased to regular. This affected person has recovered from lung most cancers.

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