The death of guitarist Khabibullin took Petkun by surprise, lead singer of Dances Minus

by time news

The unexpected death of guitarist Anton Khabibullin shocked not only the musician’s colleagues in the Dances Minus group and many of his friends, but also connoisseurs involved in music. Anton was not just a guitarist in a famous band, but one of the best masters of his craft, a high-class musician and a real Artist.

The absolute unexpectedness of what happened aggravated the grief. According to his entourage, at the age of 44, Anton, of course, had a certain set of non-chronic health problems, just like many people at that age. One of them necessitated an ordinary, as it seemed, operation. However, the surgical procedure unexpectedly led to complications, transferring Anton to intensive care, where he died suddenly. Colleagues, friends, family are shocked. The musician left a widow and a daughter from his first marriage. On Saturday, the group “Dancing Minus” was supposed to have a concert, where the music department of “MK” was also going.

“I don’t know what to say,” Vyacheslav Petkun, the leader of the “Dances Minus” group, chooses words with difficulty, “Like snow on his head. Instead of the concert for which we were preparing, we are now doing completely different things. Naturally, we will reschedule the performance, it will not take place.”

Vyacheslav recalls the musician, friend and colleague with whom they worked together for 16 years, whose skill and creativity brought original and bright colors to the band’s music:

– Anton joined the group at the turn of 2005-2006. He performed with the “Moral Code” and he also had a group “Trunks”. And in our team, he became the first non-Petersburg musician! He is from Pervouralsk and generally a unique musician. His father in Pervouralsk played the guitar in a jazz band, and with him the father of Yuri Tsaler, the guitarist of Mumiy Troll, played the saxophone. A hereditary musician and such an amazing intersection. This Pervouralsk turns out to be like a forge of personnel. Ask me to name three guitarists, those whom you do not listen to with some ironic squint, and I will name them – these are Kildey (Nikolai Devlet-Kildeev from the “Moral Code”, – approx. “MK”), Tsaler and Antokha.

He really was fantastic in his role. Each guitarist has his own “cabinet”, a set of techniques, colors, techniques. Your sounds, your moves, filters and everything else. And each with its own pronunciation, voice, timbres. His guitar has become freer in our music or something, it was an original and bright paint. Amazing musician! Who else can take and chop off the program from the bay when Kildey was absent! It is clear that everyone knows the “Moral Code” by heart, but you still need to be able to play it – no worse. And he also brought his colors – easily and simply, without any arrogance. Really it was cool.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but thoughts are already coming up that we need to look for a replacement. But I beat myself up. Early. I’ll think about it a little later.

This year we released two EPs, these songs are already living their lives. And after the New Year we were going to release another mini-album, we started working on it, but now we have to start all over again. What’s new is bullshit. It’s a pity that such a wonderful musician, a man is gone. And so suddenly.

I don’t even know how to choose words … This is not an attempt to embellish something, but anyone who knew him will say that there was no person kinder than he. Always smiling, always positive. If a checkmate, then some kind of incident was only supposed to happen, and then – he somehow had it all without malice. Not an evil person, there are few of them now. He is a rather intelligent guy, we talked a lot about different things, so I also lost a good interlocutor …

Unfortunately, this loss was not the only one for Dances Minus. Vyacheslav Petkun bitterly recalled: “A month ago, Andrei Novoselov, the director, suddenly left in a similar way. He shot the clip “City” for us, “Dictaphones” with cameraman Vlad Opelyants, the last clips. We learned how to make all sorts of applications with him. The same thing – a hospital, one day, and there is no person. Well, what is it?! He was also a good man, unconditional, to look for such. A strange time, like a hole where good people go … “

The guitarist of the group “Dances minus” died: the last photos of Anton Khabibulin

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