The head of the Mossad reveals: “Iran is helping Russia and secretly wanted a nuclear weapon”

by time news

Exception warning: The head of the Mossad, David Barnea, spoke today (Thursday) at the ceremony for Mossad honorees at the President’s House in Jerusalem and addressed the security challenges facing Israel, including Iran. Barnea warned: “We are warning about Iran’s future intentions, which they are trying to keep secret, to deepen and expand the supply of advanced weapons to Russia, to expand the uranium enrichment project and to intensify their attacks on friendly Muslim countries in the region in various ways.”

At the beginning of his remarks, Barnea said: “In recent months, we have identified dangerous, threatening, some defiant processes on the part of Iran. Iran is intensifying and increasing its attempts to carry out terrorist attacks, which we suppress every day, all over the world. We are not surprised by the boldness of the Iranian regime, which at the time One arm of which sends Iranian diplomats to Vienna to negotiate an agreement with the powers, another arm of which sends Iranian terrorists to kill innocent people around the world, just for being Israelis or Jews.

“We were warned that Iran would choose a side and help Russia, and indeed weapons produced by it came into the hands of the Russians after the start of the war. We put the delivery date of the weapons to Russia in the light of reality despite the lies heard from the direction of Iran. The Iranian lies are not new to us. After all, we are witnesses to the lies known as the “open files” for which the world has not yet received any explanation. Make no mistake, even today, absurdly, there are elements in the West who call for signing an agreement with Iran while blatantly ignoring the Iranian lies contained within the agreement itself.

“We are also warning today about Iran’s future intentions, which they are trying to keep secret, to deepen and expand the supply of advanced nuclear weapons to Russia, we are warning about intentions to expand the uranium enrichment project, and we are warning about their intentions to intensify their attacks on friendly Muslim countries in the region in various ways.

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“The only ones who were not surprised by the previous moves and those planned today are we, this is the Israeli intelligence community, not only because of our intelligence but also because of our in-depth knowledge of Iran’s ongoing fraud attempts. The Iranians will continue to pretend to be a normal country, while at the same time implementing a policy of destruction, terrorism, and brutal and extremist harm to their citizens, indiscriminately just for the survival of the regime. Is this the country that the free world wants to sign an agreement with?

“Our eyes will remain open, we will be doubly alert, and we will make sure, as I also said here last year, that Iran will not have a nuclear weapon, not in the coming years, never, that is my commitment, this is the Mossad’s commitment.”

“Approximately 100 days have passed since the outbreak of the popular protest in Iran and its strength is not weakening, the Iranian regime chose to deal with the brutal protests without restraint, shooting indiscriminately at women, girls and even children. Hundreds are murdered in the streets, helpless, defenseless. I will note in appreciation – the protesters have lost their fear , have lost their fear.”

“We have clear evidence that the ongoing protest is challenging the regime in Iran. We clearly see the regime, which is supposed to be strong, surprised and scared. We hear clearly the affinity of the Iranian people. We remember well Iran and Israel as a true partnership based on mutual appreciation. I hope that we will continue There will be a return to this, not tomorrow, not in a year. We don’t know at the moment, but already now the buds of change can be seen in light of the strong currents below the surface.”

“At the same time as our confrontation with Iran, the Mossad works tirelessly to establish alliances with other Muslim countries with which Israel has no diplomatic ties in order to create force multipliers that will allow us to act effectively and powerfully in the face of various common challenges. I see great importance in the role of the Mossad to pave the way for normalization and peace with other countries in the region and beyond.”

“In order to meet these tremendous challenges, we must excel. To excel through diversity and openness to opinions and ideas, through innovation and tactical thinking. Excellence must be cross-organizational. The strength of the Mossad depends on the strength of all its components. It must excel in operations, but to do so it must have technology, cyber And world-class digital, and of course excellent intelligence. The Mossad must have an excellent headquarters and strong logistics for this sophisticated machine to work at the highest level. In the Mossad, everything connects to one, powerful and unified whole.”

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