In 2022, comics consolidate their place at the top of the best-selling books

by time news

The endless worldalbum by Christophe Blain and Jean-Marc Jancovici, number 1 in sales

It’s starting to become a habit. Like last year, it’s a best-selling comic this year, according to the top 100 published by Weekly Books and GFK. Successor to Asterix and the Griffinwhich sold 1.5 million copies in 2021, The endless world (Dargaud) sold 514,000 copies in 2022. Released in October 2021, Christophe Blain and Jean-Marc Jancovici’s album totaled 700,000 sales!

An unexpected success for this dense book which popularizes the analyzes of Jean-Marc Jancovici on the energy question of which he is one of the specialists. The engineer responds here to the anxieties of the draftsman, and probably also of the reader in view of the triumph reserved for the work, in the face of global warming.

With his mischievous and lively line, Christophe Blain, genius draftsman, slips into the costume of a Candide disguised as Iron Man (with a helmet modified to fit the author’s large nose), the incarnation of this « endless world » whose sources of energy seem inexhaustible.

While calling for greater energy sobriety, Jean-Marc Jancovici votes for nuclear power, the least bad remedy, according to him, to gently decarbonize human activity. A position that is debating, but helps to feed it usefully.

► 44 comics in the top 100, including 28 manga

Boosted by the success of manga, which had landed in force in the rankings last year thanks to the generalization of the culture pass and successive confinements, comic book sales seem to be doing well. 44 albums appear in the 100 best sellers, including 10 albums by Deadly Adele (Bayard, publisher of The cross), 6 Franco-Belgian comics (The endless world and the last volumes of The Arabic of the futureof the Old stovesd’Asterixfrom Lucky Luke and of Blake et Mortimer). 18 albums rank in the top 50, up from 17 last year.

Mangas confirm their breakthrough, with 28 titles, including 12 in the top 50 (as in 2021, while there were none in 2020) many of which are first volumes of successful sagas (One Piece, Naruto, Spy x Family).

► Dicker, Lemaitre and Musso, leading trio of novelists

Joël Dicker occupies the first step of the podium of the novelists who sold the most books in France in 2022, with L‘the Alaska Sanders case (432,000 copies sold by its own publishing house, Rosie & Wolfe). It is followed by Big world: the glorious years by Pierre Lemaître (335,000 copies by Calmann-Levy), which will be released in early January silence and anger.

Both allow themselves the luxury of each classifying another work of their pen in the classification. The same goes for Guillaume Musso, fourth in sales with Angelic (Calmann-Levy) of which two other paperback books are in the top 10!

Mélanie Da Costa, Valérie Perrin and Virginie Grimaldi also each appear twice for pocket reissues of their bestsellers.

► A Goncourt can hide another

The winner of the Goncourt 2021, The Anomaly by Hervé le Tellier, sold better, in its paperback edition at Folio (11th in the ranking) than its 2022 successor, live fast by Brigitte Giraud (Flammarion), 28th with 198,000 copies.

But the surprise comes from its unfortunate competitor, The Mage of the Kremlin (Gallimard), which occupies 5th place in the ranking (320,000 sales).

► Declining sales

“The 50 best-selling books in 2022 generated 11.7 million copies, down 9% compared to the exceptional year 2021, but still higher than the level of sales in 2020 and 2019”Gfk said in a statement.

These results will be refined at the end of January to confirm this decrease in sales compared to a 2021 vintage.

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