The pension reform presented on January 23 in the Council of Ministers, announces Élisabeth Borne

by time news

The postponement of the legal age of departure to 65, desired by Emmanuel Macron, is “not a totem”, also assured the Prime Minister.

Invited this Tuesday morning on Franceinfo, Elisabeth Borne gave details on the timetable for the pension reform. If the final arbitrations will be well presented on January 10, the final project will be presented to the Council of Ministers on January 23, announced the Prime Minister.

«We want it to come into force at the end of the summer.“, has also confirmed the tenant of Matignon, who indicated that the debate in the National Assembly would start “at the beginning of February“, for a vote “before the end of the first trimester“. Elisabeth Borne did not specify what legal form the reform would take, amending budget text or ordinary bill.

«My objective, as with all texts, is to find a compromise“, Hammered Élisabeth Borne. And to avoid having recourse to article 49.3 again. It is therefore necessary to continue discussions with thedifferent political forces» and in particular, the group of Republicans, an essential partner for the executive. Sweeping away the possibility of going through the referendum, as may have been proposed by the communist leader Fabien Roussel or even elected officials from the RN, the Prime Minister indicated: “Pension reform is not a yes or no. I strongly believe in parliamentary work.»

A few hours before a final series of consultations with the social partners on the controversial pension reform, the Prime Minister assured that the postponement of the legal retirement age to 65, which appears in Emmanuel Macron’s initial project, will not ‘was “not a totem». «Other solutions can make it possible to achieve the balance of the pension system by 2030“, she said, without mentioning which ones. The head of the executive did not mention the possibility of a postponement to 64 with an extension of the contribution period, already mentioned by Emmanuel Macron.

SEE ALSO – The question of the day: pensions, do you fear social movements in January?

The contribution period will not change

In addition, the Prime Minister assured that the government would not affect the contribution period to benefit from a full pension, which the previous Touraine reform must increase to 43 years. “No one will have to work 47 or 48 years old“, she said. Likewise “the age of cancellation of the haircut will not change, it will remain at 67“, she added.

The Prime Minister also indicated that the revaluation of small pensions, to 85% of the Smic – or around 1200 euros net – for a full career, provided for in the reform, should only concern future retirees. “My priority is that it is the working people who are going to have to work a little longer who benefit from it“, she explained. Nevertheless, there will be adebate in the Assembly and the Senateon extending this measure to current retirees, she said.

Finally, Elisabeth Borne reiterated her firm opposition to an increase in the amount of employer and employee contributions. “There is clearly a red line for us: do not increase the cost of labor“, she launched. “My goal is full employment“, she added.

SEE ALSO – Pension reform: “65 years old is not a totem“says Elisabeth Borne

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