What do the skulls of our human ancestors reveal?

by time news

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What do the skulls of our human and pre-human ancestors reveal? Comparative views of paleo-anthropologists Antoine Balzeau and Amélie Vialet on the cerebral capacities of the different species of hominids that populated the Earth from Africa to the Far East. What was hiding in the minds of early humans?

Let’s re-examine the origins and evolution of our human lineage from the fossil skulls of our ancestors, humans and pre-humans. What did they have in mind? What differences, what similarities in the shape and size of their brains? And what does that say about us, our abilities, and the fabric of our humanity?

With the paleoanthropologist Antoine Balzeau, CNRS researcher at the Natural History of Prehistoric Man laboratory who has studied the position, shape and size of the frontal sinuses of most species of hominids as well as gorillas and chimpanzees. The scientific article here

Info on the Escape Game created by Antoine Balzeau: The Marcellin Darwin mystery

And the paleo-anthropologist Amelie Vialet for his discoveries around the Yunxian3 skull, found in China, which gives new indications on the evolution of Man in Eurasia…

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