#SessionLive between Shakespearience and Shamanism with Senem Diyici and Mario Lucio

by time news

#SessionLive special Au Fil Des Voix festival with Senem Diyici (Turkey) Mario Lucio (Cape Verde) and Willy Robert (France and director of the festival) for the 16th edition from January 24 to February 11 in Paris.

The 1st guest of the #SessionLive is Mario Lucio. This former lawyer, MP, Minister of Culture, cantor of Cape Verdean Creole has set up one of the flagship groups of the archipelago Cement.

After a musical break, he returns with the album Migrants (Shakespearience). He will be accompanied by Willy Robertdirector of the 16th edition of Over the Voice Festival.


The saga of humanity began 65,000 years ago with the first migrations. Migration is therefore synonymous with humanity. We all come from the same starting point. This fantasy epic formed what we are today: people of different colors and characteristics inhabiting this planet. Yet today, migration, for many, is synonymous with drama.

Migrants is the title of the new album by Mario Lucio, an album to resonate in the heart of humanity, because it sings the beauty of the human journey and sings the sadness of those who flee war, persecution, hunger, misery. It appeals to our humanism and pays tribute to those who have lost their lives trying to cross seas and lands over the centuries.

Mario Lucio. © Jorge Simao

This album, the tenth of the artist’s career (since his debut with Cement until Funanight released in 2019) is in itself a gesture of migration, of encounters. This is the first discographic work for which Mario Lucio, author/composer, entrusts the arrangements and the musical production to a European, in this case the Portuguese Rui Ferreira, a multi-instrumentalist musician from Porto. ” In this album, I wanted my soul to be read by the other », says Mario Lucio. The notion of interbreeding, dialogue, harmony between cultures is the motto of this book, breaking the notions of borders, language barriers, color, religion or nation.

It is also the most universal album, although he recorded with artists such as Milton Nascimento, Harry Belafonte, Pablo Milanes, Gilberto Gil, Cesaria Évora, Mayra Andrade, Toumani Diabate, Teresa Salgueiro, because in this work Mario Lucio brings new sounds to the music of Cape Verde, always keeping its soul. ” This album carries all of Cape Verde and Africa, but dialogues with all the musical aesthetics that migrations have made possible »he said.

Mario Lucio took a few years off from his musical career when he became Minister of Culture of Cape Verde. Today, he returns with an album as universal as it is personal. He recounts his childhood in Tarrafal, his travels, his practice of Buddhism and the Yoruba religion, his reflections on creolization. His songs recount experiences, outbursts, confessions, beliefs, but also share hope, friendship. With Migrantsthe Bob Dylan of Cape Verdean music, as he is sometimes called (or Chico Buarque, for others) reveals all his talent as a poet and composer.

Mario Lucio at RFI.
Mario Lucio at RFI. © Edmond Sadaka

Titles performed at the Grand studio

– Ami Live RFI see RFI Videos

– Migrants see the clip

– Tao see RFI Videos.

Line Up : Mario Lucioguitar-voice

Sound: Jérémie Besset et Mathias Taylor.

► Album Migrants (MDC 2022).

Then we receive the Turkish artist Senem Sayici for the release of the new album Nara.

Senem Sayici.
Senem Sayici. © Circassian Montenegro

It is a unique voice that pierces the wind and the flames. It had been ten years since Senem Sayici hadn’t released an album since Dila Dila. After a flourishing career in France and tours around the world, this shaman musician, who sings and enchants like no other the melodic resources of her native Turkey, returns with a bewitching, very personal album, conceived as a set of messages from a woman in the world. Nara Nara, in Turkish, is the cry and the fire.

A word sprang in unison from the beating heart of the Senem Diyici woman. Composed during the pandemic, between Izmir and Istanbul, this new album is rooted in a land of millennial cultures and weaves the thread of a story of which the musician is the storyteller. This is also the meaning of its name: “Diyici”, which says, which tells. She sings about life there, that of men and women, her own, her childhood, her emotions, her passions, her struggles as well as her love for this land of paradoxes, all of nature, the universe. At the end of the 1980s, with his first album, Takalarshe has become one of the most unique voices in World Music by realizing, alongside French jazzmen, a fusion of the most original jazz rock and traditional Turkish music, which she popularized in her albums and the 60 concerts given each year at the height of its activity, even in villages, in people’s homes, in more than 30 countries.

Explanation of the 3 titles you will listen to in this show:

– A strangeness is happening to me / UN SENTIMENT ÉTRANGE: Every time I think of my childhood, its good times and its bad times, I see myself again with my pink skirt, my red and black shoes, my white socks, the garden of the family home with its olive trees, its mulberry trees, its lemon trees. Winter, summer, it was wonderful. I wanted to rediscover the feelings of my childhood, as if I were seeing myself again as a child in a mirror.

– OLMAYA GELDIM / I HAVE COME TO BE: I’m talking about a woman who finally accepts being herself, with the essential love for herself, who has made her choices, and who also addresses herself to the divine, to a divine power. I am not religious, but I am a believer. We are in this world to love and honor life.

– RUHUN DANSI / THE DANCE OF THE SOUL: I am a shaman, I tell here how we can free ourselves from what weighs on us, what chains us to the past, from the prison of our worries, our remorse, our fears. And the sea, the water, helps us to free ourselves from it. Always also, there is this woman who revolts, shouts and dances, she shows the way.

Senem Sayici.
Senem Sayici. © S. Diyici

Titles performed at the Grand studio

– Something Strange Happens to Me Live RFI see RFI

– I Came To Befrom the album Nara

-Ruhun Dansi Live RFI see RFI Videos.

Line Up : Senem Diyici / voice, jew’s harp and small percussion; Hamza Toure / saxophones ; Marius Gerin / basse ; Gabriel Gosse / electric guitar.

Son : Jeremy Besset et Mathias Taylor.

► Album Nara (Art District Music / Socadisc 2023).

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