Pensions: one less day of debate with the maintenance of the parliamentary niche of the PS

by time news

One less day of discussion. The PS deputies did not manage to obtain the postponement of the day reserved for their texts in the Assembly, scheduled for February 9, in the middle of the parliamentary debates on pensions.

The timetable for examining the reform is constrained, 20 days being allocated to deputies for the first reading of the text, between passage in committee and in the hemicycle. This is the deadline for an amending budget for the Social Security (PLFSSR), vector chosen by the government. The exchanges in the hemicycle will start on Monday February 6 and must end on the 17th at midnight, so that the text then passes to the Senate.

“11 hours less of debate”

With this in mind, the PS group had made, last week, a request to postpone its “niche” of 9 to the President of the Assembly, so as not to interrupt the debate on pensions. But this Tuesday morning, at the conference of the presidents of the Assembly, several political groups opposed a postponement to Monday February 27, the only possible date in the month, AFP learned from parliamentary sources. Reason given: it would be difficult to mobilize the deputies at the start of the week.

What annoy the socialist party, which sees, in this parenthesis around its niche, the disappearance of several hours of debate on pension reform. On Twitter, the president of the socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud, denounced a “refusal of the relative majority and the RN. This represents 11 hours less of debate, ”he was indignant. Mathilde Panot (La France insoumise), for her part, pointed to “Macronie and its allies of the RN, accomplices” in this refusal. “The bad blows will rain down from now on”, estimated the rebellious Hadrien Clouet in front of the press, criticizing “the Macronist strategy”, that of “the obstruction vis-à-vis any debate”.

The presidential majority fears an obstruction of the Nupes by the filing of thousands of amendments. A fear swept away by the deputies of LFI Clémentine Autain and François Ruffin, who assured earlier this Tuesday that their group in the National Assembly was not considering this option.

In their niche, which will therefore take place on February 9, the PS deputies have planned to put the tax on superprofits back on the table, with also on the menu the one-euro meal for students or the nationalization of EDF.

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