Why does a drip irrigation system prevent soil erosion?

by time news

Each sector of the industry has certain elements that allow for better development, more productivity and also better care for the environment, which in the end guarantees that your products have a superior quality.

Farm workers, those people who are dedicated to the production of fruits and vegetables, as well as flower growers who, thanks to their skills, reproduce all the species of plants and flowers you can imagine, use special tools for their work.

One of the most important things they should have is a irrigation system practical and that allows them to have a better use of water.

Having good irrigation equipment, as well as carrying out the pertinent studies to learn more about the land where you intend to work, is of vital importance to avoid some inconveniences, such as soil erosion.

water erosion

Soil erosion is a phenomenon in which the fertile layer of the soil can be damaged, thus losing its ability to produce flowers or food.

Not all land is suitable to be used as agricultural production fields and to know this it is necessary to carry out some specific studies.

Water and wind, ironically, are two of the elements that can most quickly erode the land and leave it infertile, although human activity also influences this, such as that related to water extraction and the use of water for recreational activities.

Water erosion, expressed in a simple way to understand, is the action that, thanks to an excess in the amount of water that the earth needs, it drags aggregates and soil particles; a large amount of water is not recommended for crops.

It is estimated that, in Mexico, about 91.2 million hectares are affected by water erosion, so it is important that producers take measures to maintain the correct health of the land and a healthy and continuous production of food.

Different irrigation techniques

Since the crops are outdoors, in the case of food, it is important to maintain a strict control of the amount of water needed for the healthy growth of the products, also taking into account the rainy seasons or the scarcity of she.

This is how modern irrigation techniques have been developed such as drip irrigation that, through a focused distribution of water, it reaches the root system directly, that is, the roots.

In this way you avoid wetting the leaves and, consequently, not giving the plant more water than it needs.

The use of the drip system also prevents the soil from eroding because the water does not run freely, damaging the fertile layer, and thanks to its slow doses, it does not accumulate either.

This system is widely used thanks precisely to the fact that it saves the use of water and each plant receives its exact dose, especially recommended for floral crops.

It also facilitates the administration of fertilizers to the soil since it can be dissolved in the water and use the drip system so that each plant receives it.

Another of the irrigation techniques that reduce or prevent erosion is by sprinkling and it differs from drip irrigation since in this format the water does wet the leaves as if it were a simulation of rain.

The sprinkler irrigation It is recommended for the production of products such as corn, potatoes, wheat, cotton and some flowers that need a greater amount of water, such as sunflowers, but as a point against it is the fact that greater soil erosion can occur. .

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