Summer fruits in winter

by time news

Klimaschutz is a killjoy. Anyone who is serious about this should probably only eat apples that have ripened in the region at the moment, even though these also come from the cold store in January. In the worst case, the further spring progresses and the longer the apples have to be chilled, the carbon footprint even reverses. Then the New Zealand apple, which comes to Germany in large batches by ship, may be better than the one from the region, which has to be preserved with cooling energy since harvest. The world is that complicated. And full of seductions!

Pineapple, papaya, mangoes – thanks to planes and ships, these fruits are available almost without interruption in weekly and well-stocked supermarkets. Meanwhile, raspberries and blueberries, which only ripen in summer in Germany, and which come from Morocco, Chile and Peru around this time – so no legitimate indication of origin for climate protectors, quite apart from the fact that the fruits are often still packed in thick-walled plastic bowls with foil around them . Better not, says conscience.

It would be nice if the producers revealed more often where the berries are harvested.

It would be nice if the producers revealed more often where the berries are harvested.

Bild: Kai Felmy

Less mold and pesticides

Nevertheless, we get weak with summer berries in winter, but we have found that frozen berries can definitely keep up with the fresh ones in terms of taste. In tests for mold and pesticides, the frozen fruit performed even better. Especially organic berries. And that’s why we now buy them in big bags and fill them in portions into screw-top jars that previously contained honey or jam (double bonus!).

The glass stays intact, even if the myth persists that it is of no use in the freezer. The only disadvantage: After defrosting, raspberries in particular are no longer in such good shape. But who cares if they’re stirred into muesli and yoghurt? Experience shows that storing the berries loose in the bags affects the berries less than cardboard packaging. It would be nice if the manufacturers revealed more often where the fruits were harvested.

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