These are the health risks of men with a ‘beer belly’

by time news

Men with a ‘beer belly’ are more at risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as hypertension, cholesterol and diabetesas reported by the nutritionist of the IVADI Nutritional Therapy Unit at La Salud Hospital, Vanessa Martín.

Just as having a belly indicates a risk of pathologies, snore Also, since most sleep apneas are caused by obesity just like the fatty liver. In fact, on many occasions when abdominal fat is reduced, snoring disappears.

“The problem is that they have not taught us how to eat or how to play sports. In addition, these two very important skills are not even part of the portfolio of public health services when they are clearly preventative of many pathologies,” said the expert.

The problem is that they have not taught us how to eat or play sports

In this sense, he has highlighted the importance of learning to read the labels of both processed foods and meats that are bought on trays in supermarkets. “If we read the label on those meats, We will see that they are not one hundred percent meat but that they always have something added. The same goes for fish. Omega3 is very good but the amount of that good fat is very different if the Is the fish farmed or wild?“, he argued.

As for eggs, they are a good source of protein, but the benefits they provide are not the same if they are not of quality, especially organic; and the bread feeds more if it is one of slow fermentation and sourdough made in the oven.

Diet and good habits

To break this circle and start making a real change in life habits that can lead us to stop taking drugs, it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of professionals. “Not all people are the same – and therefore the study of how to make that change must be personalized, slowly but surely.

Teeth whitening

The goal is not to lose weight, but to acquire habits that allow us to commit excesses from time to time without anything happening and internalize a balanced life. Eating should be something that produces happiness. And if health enters our kitchen, the pills will be able to leave our lives,” he has settled.

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