Aragonès mourns the death of Espinàs, “shaper of everyday life” and “chronicler of the country’s life”

by time news

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès
Lorena Sopena – Europa Press

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, mourned the death this Sunday of the writer and journalist Josep Maria Espinàs and remembered him as “one of the greats” of Catalan literature. On Twitter, but also in several interventions in the media, Aragonès has emphasized the “everydayness” of Espinàs and his work, which “helps to understand the day-to-day” of Catalonia “but also to know a good part of the country” . In fact, he has considered him a “chronicler of everyday landscapes and the life of the country”. “He is a shaper of our everyday life and today a part of Catalonia is leaving with him”, he emphasized, and also praised his will to “normalize full citizenship and the participation of people with Down syndrome “.

Espinàs died this Sunday at the age of 95 and leaves behind a prolific and abundant career as a chronicler and author of books. His death has caused a shared feeling of regret in the political and cultural world. The Minister of Culture has valued his “look and love for the territory” and his “immense and very unique” career. “We will miss him very much,” he said. Also the minister of the bouquet, Miquel Iceta, has lamented his death: “May the earth rest in peace”.

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont has claimed it as “one of the pillars” of the Catalan language and of literature and journalism in that language. “His work is fundamental to understanding the country”, he warned, while remembering him as “a man of great kindness and honesty”.

Also the first secretary of the PSC and leader of the opposition in Catalonia, Salvador Illa, has expressed his condolences for the death of Espinàs, “journalist and one of the most popular writers of Catalan literature in recent decades”. “We will always be able to read his journeys on foot through Catalonia and other corners of Spain,” he published.

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