This is Miley Cyrus’ exercise routine in the ‘Flowers’ video

by time news

Discover the step by step of Miley Cyrus’ exercise routine in the video for her new song ‘Flowers’.

This is Miley Cyrus' exercise routine in the 'Flowers' video

Last update: 07 February, 2023

Since the release of the most recent song by Miley Cyrus titled ‘Flowers’, his name does not stop ringing. In addition to giving us a hymn of self-love, the singer shared really intimate images with ussuch as those that correspond to what would be your training routine.

Seeing her sing beautiful and empowering phrases to herself has encouraged many women around the world to follow in her footsteps. To love each other above all else, which includes taking care of their bodies and their hearts, all because”I can love me better, baby“.

Details of the exercise routine of Miley Cyrus in Flowers

Regardless of whether you just broke up or not, Miley Cyrus’s new song touches the heart for many reasons. In ‘Flowers’the actress also made a declaration of self-love that has positioned it in the first places of the international music charts.

And it is that, beyond music, his message is clear: “I can love myself better than you.” Although the lyrics don’t talk about exercise routines, the video does let us see Miley determined to work and take care of her body. If seeing this personal dedication encouraged you to love yourself like no one else could in the same way, take note of the specific exercises that appear in the video.

1. ‘Battle rope‘ or alternating bicep work

In the first exercise that appears on the screen we see Miley shaking some strings with force. Well, this exercise is known as ‘battle rope’ or alternating biceps work, very common in workout routines. crossfitt. As can be seen, the exercise is clear, a high gauge rope must be moved at the same time and in an agile way.

The activity is carried out standing up, with the knees slightly bent, the back straight and very firm. Keeping the abdomen contracted and breathing properly is essential. Before attempting it, review it with your trainer, as it is a high-intensity exercise.

2. ‘Spiderman push up‘ or lizards with resistance

In a second scene of Miley Cyrus’s routine in ‘Flowers’ we see the artist doing resistance push-ups, also known as ‘Spiderman push up‘. This repetition consists of anchoring a resistance band to a spine and waist to increase the demand.

Then, in plank position and with arms outstretched, walk slowly to the third step; after this, a lizard is made. During execution, the posture of the back must be taken care of, which must be parallel to the ground. Together, this works the quadriceps, the core and the shoulder.

3. Hip raises

Reducing the demand a bit, in the third exercise we find the hip lifts. Although the artist does it to the rhythm of her song by adding a turn in the elevation, this technique can be carried out more simply.

It consists of lying down on a straight surface. From here, the following posture is adopted: straight back, arms at the sides and hands down. Then the knees are drawn up until they are straight with the heels and, without taking the scapulae off the ground, the hip is raised again and again. In this way the glutes are worked.

4. ‘Burpees

One of the most complex exercises in Miley Cyrus’ routine in ‘Flowers’ is the ‘burpees’.

In the fourth exercise of Miley Cyrus’ routine in ‘Flowers’, we see the execution of one of the most complex and effective exercises there is. Although it looks simple, Doing it requires practice and a good guide to avoid injuries, even more so if you use a resistance band like she does.

Los ‘burpees‘ consist of standing up with your feet hip-width apart. From here, the knees are bent to squat down to the ground in a quadrupedal position. At that moment, a chest flexion is performed and, with the hands, he pushes himself against the ground to stand up again.

When he is back on his feet, he jumps with his arms outstretched, as if wanting to touch the sky. When descending it is necessary to flex the knees well to have a good cushioning of the fall.

According to the Institute of Health Sciences and Physical Activity of Spain, in this exercise different muscle groups of the whole body are worked. Although they are very common, the ISAF recommends being very careful with their execution, since They are of high articular impact and are not suitable for all people.

5. Bear Walk

To end the exercise routine that we see practicing Miley Cyrus in ‘Flowers’, you will have to do a very convenient stretch after the demand you had. The one that the singer does is known as the “bear walk” and it is very simple.

The exercise —which also works the core and stability— It consists of leaning on the hands and knees face down and raising the right arm and the left leg. The neck should be in line with the spine and, after a few seconds in that position, return to the original position to raise the opposite arm and leg.

Take care of your body, be it with Miley Cyrus’ routine in ‘Flowers’ or with another

Although Miley Cyrus’s routine in ‘Flowers’ it’s quite picky and good, it’s not for every woman and that’s okay. If you have already made the decision to change and improve your physical appearance through exercise, do it however you think works best for you.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “All physical activity is beneficial and can be done as part of work, sport and leisure or transport (walking, skating and cycling), but also dancing, playing and everyday household chores, such as gardening and cleaning.”

So things, set your own goals, your own standards and long live that self-love!

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