Support for violence against women and children and the fight against impunity

by time news
Treatment Center for Gender-Based Violence One stop Center, at the Adidogomé Medico-Social Center in Lomé © Ophelie Lahccen / RFI

In order to highlight and improve the fight against violence against women and children, the Togolese associations work closely with the fiosrons, literally “chief’s wives”. The influence they have on their husbands allows them to improve the conditions of women and children who are victims of violence, within their community.

How does the mobilization of these women of “powerful men” make it possible to reduce violence against women? What support for women victims of violence? How to fight against impunity?

Issue relocated to Lomé, Togo

  • Come on Therese REPORTCoordinator of the NGO LA COLOMBE which carries the Fiosron project
  • Afiwa Immaculate KONDOWife of one of the project leaders
  • Ednam AHOULOUMA YOVOManager of the One Stop Center for Gender-Based Violence, at the Adidogomé Medico-Social Center
  • Dr Annick NAKOU-NICOUEPsychologist, volunteer at the Cacaveli Youth Reintegration Center

Program produced in partnership with the French Muskoka Fund which works to improve the health and well-being of women, newborns, children and adolescents by strengthening health systems by mobilizing the complementary expertise of four United Nations agencies : OMS, UN Women, UNFPA et UNICEF. The French Muskoka Fund operates in nine West and Central African countries.

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