The Rebbe of Moiznitz will sit in Assuta for supervision • All Shabbat events and times shekels

by time news

In the courtyards of the rebbes and followers:

Gor: In all concentrations of Gor Hassidism in Israel and around the world, Shabbat is celebrated the Shabbat that precedes the revelry of the Rebbe of the ‘Beit Israel’ of Gor ZIA starting this coming Thursday. Kiddosha Raba on the occasion of the birth of the great-granddaughter of Rebbe Magor, granddaughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Rand, daughter of his son Rabbi Simcha Bonim Rand. On Saturday morning the Rebbe of Gor will hold a Tish in honor of the Simcha.

Satmar: In the Satmar Hasidim, the Shabbat is observed before the Ya’arzeit of Harhak Baal Kedushot Yot Zia’a, the father of the Rebbe Baal Viyuel Moshe, who passed away 119 years ago.

Simchat Beit Vizhnitz: the Ascension to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Vizhnitz, the son of his son Rabbi Yitzhak Yeshai Hagar Abd of Wiznitz Ashdod, with the daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Fox, son of the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Fox, son-in-law Rebbe Madaesh Ramot, will be held at the Great Beit Midrash Ehvat Yisrael Vizhnitz in Shikhon Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak. Grandfather Rebbe Muiznitz will still remain at Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv for observation during the coming Shabbat. His son Rabbi Abd Vizhnitz will conduct the prayers and tables in the Great Jewish Rabbinate Hall in Kiryat Vizhnitz on the occasion of Shabbat Aliyah to the Torah for the son of his brother Rabbi Rabbi Vizhnitz Ashdod, and he will also participate in the Shabbat ceremonies. Rabbi Yitzchak Tversky, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Moiznitz and the son of the Rebbe of Squirra, on Shabbat night there will be a Simchat HaParshapil following a third meal with musical instruments in honor of the Simcha.

Satmar: The Rebbe of Satmar Yeshivot in the town of Siget in Romania, in honor of the Shabbat Hilula Kaddisha of his elder, the HaRak, who has the holiness of Yom Tov ZA, where a special association stroke will be held for yeshiva voters from Israel and Europe, the prayers and tishes will be held in a beit midrash in the town of Siget, Rebbe of Beit Siget for generations.

Babov: The Rebbe of Babov, who is on a historic visit to London, will sit for the first time in the Stamford Hill neighborhood, together with hundreds of Babov Chassidim, the tish in the huge tent in the yard of the elementary Torah institutions, the prayers will be held in the building of the great Dachasidi synagogue in Babov, the Shabak mozai will hold the dedication of the house for the girls’ building Hasidic Zion in Abov combined with a large gathering for Hasidim in Abov.

Living rooms: The conversion to the Torah for the son of Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Luria, Rabbi of Yeshiva Biala Beitar, son of Rabbi Meir Luria Rabbi Babov, son-in-law of Rabbi Yonatan Weiss of Montreal, with the granddaughter of the Adam Rabbi Meslonim, daughter of his son Rabbi Baruch Barzovsky, will be held at Beit Midrash Gadol Salonim on Shmuel Selant Street in the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Zvaheil: The HC Gavd Zvaheil sessions will mainly be in Beit Shemesh for Shabbat Zohvem and on the occasion of the end of the Shovbim days, the prayers and the bata will be held in the Beit Midrash, a group of Hassidim, Ramat Beit Shemesh, where they mark the anniversary of the founding of the Beit Midrash.

Zvaheil: The Rebbe of the USA, who is on a visit to the USA, will be sitting in Beit Shemesh, on the occasion of the happy Kiddush Raba for his granddaughter, the daughter of his son Rabbi Mordechai Goldman, the grandson of the Rebbes of Squirra, Kopitschnitz and Alexander. The prayers and tishes will be held at Beit Midrash Squirra in the city.

Kopitschnitz: The Rebbe of Kopitschnitz will sit among his followers in Manchester, the prayers and tishish will be held in the city’s Kluiz Tchartkov, the hostel in the governor’s house R. Bezalel Halperin.

Darag – Spinka: The conversion to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Darag, the son of his son Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Rosenfeld, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Mbaregsaz Beit Shemesh, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Spinka, the daughter of his son Rabbi Yishchar Berish Weiss, the son-in-law of Hara Rabbi Yehoshua Domb Rav Hod Hasharon, will be held at the Great Darag Hospital on Yitzhak Nafha Street in Bnei Brak.

Zotashka: Shabbat marks the Shabbat that precedes Yoma Dehilula of the KK Rebbe who owns the “Nazar David” Meztoshka ZIA, his son Mm. The Rebbe Meztoshka will prepare his table and also attend the Shabbat prayers, thus this Shabbat is set for “Sabbath good receptions” when words of encouragement will be heard during the Sabbath regarding the ravages of time. On Mochash, the night of Hilula, after the Havdalah, there will be a ceremony for the completion of the writing of the letters to the SAT, which will be introduced in Aza on Sunday, the day of Hilula, in the court of the High Court.

Kuznitz – Trisk: The conversion to the Torah for the son of the Rebbe of Kuznitz, with the daughter of Rabbi Sharihu Yona Tversky Rabbi of Trisk Montreal, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Yohanan Wazner Rabbi of Squirra and Dometz Chassidim of Squirra Montreal. It will be held at Beit Kuzhnitz in Tel Aviv.

Blazov: The conversion to the Torah for the son of the Rebbe of Blazov, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Ndvorna, with the daughter of Rabbi Menachem Menil Katz Rabbi Raslavitz, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Gabed of Zebuz. – will take place in the new Beit Midrash building Zvi To Tzadik Blazov in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Nadvorna: The conversion to the Torah of Rabbi Naftali Schneibelg, son of Rabbi Eliezer Lieber Schneibelg, rabbi of the holders of the Ejver religion in England, and the son-in-law of Rabbi Baal Ha’Bar Ya’akov of Ndvorna zt’l, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Makhnovka Belza, daughter For his firstborn son Rabbi Berel Rokah, son-in-law of Abd Makava in Bnei Brak, will be held at the Hagadol Hospital in Kiryat Nadvorna in Bnei Brak.

Lakewood: The rebbes of Modzitz and Pinsk Karlin who are staying in the USA for the benefit of the institutions in the USA will have a Shabbat session in Lakewood, New Jersey. The hostel is in the house of the Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Niehuis.

Skolen: The Rebbe of Skolen will sit in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn in honor of Shabbat Shekels, the prayers and tishes will be held in the Skolen Beit Midrash.

Miron: Rabbi Elimelech Biederman, the influential Rabbi Elimelech Biederman, will sit in Miron, as part of a special Shabbat for Americans who have come to the Holy Land for Rabbi Atik’s organization. The Shabbat meals and prayers will be held together in the prayer tents built on the spot.

Kasan – Da’esh – Chernabile: the conversion to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Mad’esh, the son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Halevi Rotenberg, the son of the Rebbe Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Rotenberg of Kasani London, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Chernabile, the daughter of his son Rebbe Rabbi Aharon Tversky Rabbi of Chernabil Jerusalem, and grandson of the Rebbe of Rahmastrivka USA for holistic medicine, will be held at Beit Midrash Kasan in London’s Stamford Hill neighborhood. On Motzash, the Simchat HaParshafil will be held after the separation at the Beit Midrash of the grandfather, the Rebbe of Chernabile, on Habakkuk Street in Bnei Brak.

Pittsburgh: Kiddush Rava on the occasion of the birth of the granddaughter of the rebbe of Pittsburgh, the daughter of his son Rabbi Zosia Leifer, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Malalov Baranowitz, will be held at the Tishen Hall in Kiryat Pittsburgh in Ashdod. In honor of the joy, the grandfather of the Rebbe of Malalov Baranowitz will sit in Ashdod.

Laalov – Toldot Aharon: The Ascension to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of Rabbi Shimon Natan Neta Hornochik, son of the Haratz Rabbi Menachem Hornochik of Laalov, the son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Mattiyo Deitch of Ramat Shlomo, with the Rebbe’s granddaughter from Toldot Aharon , daughter of Rabbi Menachem Nachum Kahn, Rabbi of Toldot Aharon community in Givat Jerusalem Beit Shemesh, son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Kahn, head of the Toldot Aharon yeshiva, will be held at Beit Midrash La’ov in Bnei Brak.

Chernabile: Rabbi Mordechai Tversky, the eldest son of the Rebbe of Chernabile, resides among the Chernabile Chassidim in Antwerp, the hostel in the Governor’s house, Rabbi Moshe Strolli.

Satmar: HaShalom was remembered on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of the Rebbe of Satmar, son of his grandson Rabbi Mordechai Yehuda Halberstam, son of the Rabbi of the Satmer community in P. Hachat, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Abed Sigot. It will be held at Beit Midrash Satmer in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Zvaheil: In all Zvaheil Hasidic concentrations, we will observe Shabbat before the Hilula of the Admor Baal Ha’Ikra Demelkah of Zvaheil ZA, the Rebbe of Zvaheil will hold a Tish on Shabbat night in Beit Midrash Zvaheil in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Babov – 45: The conversion to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Babov 45, the son of his great son Rabbi Yosef Onger, head of a small Yeshiva Dachasidi in Babov 45, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Eliezer Shmei’ Levi, president of Tefarat Eliezer Institutions, with the daughter of the Rabbi Yoel Levy Yitzchak Greenwald Abdak Tetesh, will be held at the Great Court in Abov – 45 in the Borough Park neighborhood in Brooklyn.

Vizhnitz – Kalov: The pilgrimage to the Torah for the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Viznitz from London, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kalov, the son of his son Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Hagar, the son-in-law of Rabbi Yishchar Dov Toiv Rabbi Zichron Naftali Aryeh Nashchiz Williamsburg, with the daughter of the Rebbe of Viznitz of Montreal. It will be held under the leadership of Grandfather Rebbe Makalov, the Rebbe of Viznitz, London, in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn in honor of the joy, and he will hold the tish on Shabbat night together with his brother The Rebbe of Moiznitz Williamsburg.

Ashoy: the conversion to the Torah of the Rabbi Rabbi Yehezkel Berish Terkeltoib, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinowitz, the Rebbe of Zelikhov and the head of the Mishkento Ha’Roei Yeshiva, with the daughter of Rabbi Yishkar Ber Horowitz, the son of the Rebbe of Krali, the son of the Rabbi R. Mashandishov, will be held at the Ashoy Court in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and yeshivas:

Fathers and Sons: In all the study centers of ‘Fathers and Sons’ in synagogues across the country, they will study on Shabbat and on Shabbat evening in memory of the martyrs, the brothers Asher Menachem and Ya’akov Yisrael Pali the 14th. Shabbat ten minutes before the treatment of Rabbi Avraham Noach ben Judith Pali, who is in need of many heavenly mercies.

Amsterdam: The great men of Israel Rabbi Likud Graam Kotler, Rabbi of London Graam Donner, Grandson of the Baba Sally, Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Bosso and Rabbi Shlomo Buso and the Rabbis of Yeshiva Hanichi Gram Gros are on Shabbat in Amsterdam in the Netherlands as part of a Shabbat of formation and association for the heads of the Kollelim From all of Europe led by Torah greats.

Ramat Hasharon: Shabbat falls on the sixth Ya’arzeit day of Rabbi Ya’akov Edelstein zt’al Rabbi of Ramat Hasharon, his son Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein will give a talk on Shabbat night in his seminary house ‘Naot Yosef’ in Bnei Brak, his son Rabbi Zvi Yehuda will give a lesson in the Great Synagogue At the level of the minister

Mir Barchfeld: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of Ben HaGaon, Rabbi Noam Yitzhak Alon, head of the Mir Barchfeld Yeshiva.

Beit Vegan: The first one to mark the Gersham Amar Rabbi of Jerusalem will sit in the Beit Vegan neighborhood, during Shabbat the first one will give lessons in the central midrash schools in the neighborhood, as well as yeshivats in the Beit Vegan neighborhood, a member of the Council of Torah Sages, Harad Yosef, on the occasion of the Habar Mitzvah for his grandson, and Shas chairman Aryeh Deri.

Kiryat Melech: The pilgrimage to the Torah for the Simchat Haber Mitzvah for the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Karp, head of the Kiryat Melech yeshiva in Bnei Brak, son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Bolg of the Torah yeshiva in Elad, will take place at the Neot Yosef Synagogue on Yoel Street in Bnei Brak.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of the Gaon, Rabbi Sharaga Steinman, a member of the Council of Torah Elders, the daughter of his son-in-law, the Gaon, Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, Ram, at the ‘Shaari Torah’ and ‘Atarat Shlomo’ yeshiva for young people in Bnei Brak.

Rina Shel Torah: Shabbat Sheva Blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the daughter of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Stewart, head of the ‘Rina Shel Torah’ Yeshiva, and the granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Diner Gab’d Adat Yisrael.

Bnei Brak: Pilgrimage to the Torah for the Simchat Haber Mitzvah to the grandson of the Garach Greiniman Grandson of his son Rabbi R. Yosef, Simchat Haber Mitzvah will be held on Tuesday in the halls of Beit Hillel Damascus Eliezer Street in Bnei Brak.

Bnei Brak: Pilgrimage to the Torah for the wedding of the Danach’s grandson The Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Pozan, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Pechthalt, with the granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi Yehezkel Bertler ZtZal The joy of the wedding will take place on Monday in the halls of Khalil Malchut in the BV.

Bnei Brak: Rabbi Shmuel Aryeh Levin, head of the Hafetz Chaim yeshiva in Argentina and one of the leaders of ultra-Orthodox Judaism in Latin America, has arrived here for a visit to the Holy Land.

Bnei Brak: Cantor and master musician R. Shlomo Weissman will pass in front of the ark during Arshaka prayers and on Shabbat night at the ‘Ahadot’ Klal Hassidi synagogue on Rabbi Tarpon St. 3 Bnei Brak. Minach – 10 minutes after the time. Shabbat reception – half an hour after the time.

Be’er Mordechai: Prayers continue for the complete healing of the Rabbi Baruch Shmuel HaCohen ben Leah Deutsch, the head of the ‘Beer Mordechai’ yeshiva who is still in need of much mercy, the yeshiva’s head is staying at his residence on Rabad Street in Bnei Brak, even on Shabbat they will pray for his complete healing.

Tosefet Shabbat: According to the instruction of the elders of Israel, the Shabbat must be taken early for the treatment of Rabbi Faiga Tzipora Bat Hadassah Lau, the wife of a member of the Belahta Chief Rabbi HaGaon Rabbi David Lau, who is still in need of the abundant mercy of Heaven.

The public figures, the Mashbakim, the journalists and the businessmen:

A Mazal Tov greeting to the director of the department for ultra-Orthodox education in the Jerusalem Municipality, Shmulik Greenberg, on the occasion of the happy birth of his granddaughter.

A blessing of good luck to the Zaka volunteer, the groom Shalom Klein, on the occasion of his happy wedding this week at a good time.

Mazel Tov blessing to radio broadcaster Yossi Ben Atar on the occasion of his happy marriage at a good and successful time.

Mazel Tov blessing to singer Yanki Oish on the occasion of the joy of the birth of his son at a good and successful time.

A Mazal Tov greeting to Avi Weiss, the manager of the Central District – the ultra-Orthodox sector at the ‘Kallit’ health fund on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah celebration for his son that was held this week.

A Mazal Tov blessing to the businessman and producer Avi Kharlap, the man of the daily page and a reserve from Medi’in Ilit, on the occasion of his son’s happy Bar Mitzvah this coming Shabbat evening.

Congratulations to actor Israel Meir Tesa on the occasion of the joy of his engagement this week at a good and successful time.

A Mazal Tov blessing for Takhiran Yisrael Parkel from the 13th news on the occasion of his happy engagement.

Shabbos entry and exit times – Shekels Mebarech Adar Tashfag in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Saturday entry: 16:52 | Saturday departure: 18:05 | RT: 18:40

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entrance: 17:06 | Saturday departure: 18:06 | RT: 18:42

Modi’in Illit – Saturday entrance: 17:00 | Saturday departure: 18:05 | RT: 18:42

Petah Tikva and Elad – Saturday entrance: 16:52 | Saturday departure: 18:05 | RT: 18:40

Haifa – Saturday entrance: Saturday entrance: 16:57 | Saturday departure: 18:05 | RT: 18:41

Ashdod – Saturday entry: 16:59 | Saturday departure: 18:07 | RT: 18:42

Safed – Saturday entry: 16:59 | Saturday departure: 18:03 | RT: 18:39

Tel Aviv – Saturday entry: 17:06 | Saturday departure: 18:06 | RT: 18:42

Be’er Sheva – Saturday entry: 17:02 | Saturday departure: 18:07 | RT: 18:42

New York – Saturday entrance: 17:15 | Saturday departure: 18:15

London – Saturday entry: 17:01 | Saturday departure: 18:10

Antwerp – Saturday entry: 17:43 | Saturday departure: 18:53

Zurich – Saturday entry: 17:38 | Saturday departure: 18:40

Paris – Saturday entry: 17:58 | Saturday departure: 19:04

Moscow – Saturday entry: 17:22 | Saturday departure: 18:36

The public is called to add and advance to accept Shabbat half an hour before sunset to benefit and heal the sick of his people Israel.

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