Franz Wagner: “I have the potential to be an All-Star”

by time news

The Rising Stars Game, which will open the All-Star weekend in the NBA, will start tonight (Friday to Saturday, 4:00, live broadcast on 5SPORT), with the match between Tim Deron and Tim Pau, and whoever will take part in this game for the second year in a row is a star orlando magic, Franz Wagnerwho spoke in an interview to the Sport Channel about the feelings leading up to the event.

Wagner, who won last year, intends to do it again: “I plan to win the Rising Stars game twice in a row. We had a good game last season and we hope to repeat it tonight. I had a lot of fun last year, I mostly remember our chemistry in the team. Everyone had fun and that’s the thing The most important in this environment. MVP of the All-Star Game? We’ll see… I won’t do anything by force, I don’t think so much about the individual title, the goal is to win and have fun.”

“I like the format of the rising stars (which was introduced last season), it gives more players a chance to play. It’s fun when there is a final and you play until a certain result. It was a good idea.”

Wagner and Paolo Bancro are the two future stars of Orlando, but this time they will meet as opponents in the semi-finals. “To stamp on Paulo or ‘break his ankles’? I’ll go for the ankles,” said the German forward. “I don’t think I have such a high chance of putting him in the poster. I’m sure Paulo feels good about the match against me, I probably do too. We’ll see who comes out with the victory. The fact that we’re friends will give me more motivation to beat us. The goal is to return to Orlando and show off, So we have an important game waiting for us.”

Bunkero was selected first in the Young Stars draft (also in the real draft) and will lead Tim Pau (Gasol), while Wagner was selected second to Tim Deron (Williams): “It’s very cool for Orlando that we both were selected first,” he said. It shows not only the work of myself and Paolo, but also of our coaches and teammates. This is a positive sign for the organization.”

“What does it mean to me that I was selected before other players who were selected before me in the real draft (picked eighth)? It doesn’t matter that much to me, but it’s cool that I have the opportunity to play here and show that I’m developing in the right direction. I don’t compare myself so much to other players, Because it’s very difficult for the NBA. Do I feel like I’m really the best player in the All-Star Game? I think I’m a good player, but I’m not someone who should say he’s the best or better than others. I’m here to have fun.”

“I see my potential to be an All-Star, but I still have a lot of things I want to improve and I believe I can do it. I think I have a chance in the future to be in the All-Star Game. I’m having fun in Orlando so far.”

On growing up for European basketball and less for the American “show” that was reflected in All-Star: “I had to make adjustments, but that’s the story of all life – learning new things and discovering how different people do different things. I hope Germany will watch tonight, I know it’s late . As a kid I would always watch the All-Star highlights the next day, so I’m sure a lot of people will.”

“I’ve always really liked the three-point contest, the battles between Steph Curry and Klay Thompson are my favorite memory from the All-Star weekend.” When asked why we still see the big stars in the three-point contest, as opposed to the dunk contest, he answered: “Maybe the dunk contest needs a little change in format. We’ve seen so many cool dunks and the crowd always wants to see something new, it makes it difficult for the players.”

So who do you think will be the winners? “I’ll go for Damian Lillard as the winner of the three-point contest and Mack McClung for dunks. He’s a guard, it’s always cooler when a guard dunks. My All-Star MVP is Jaylen Brown, he’ll come motivated to prove that he should have started in the top five.”

Wagner also referred to Danny Avdia, who in recent weeks looks more and more like Wagner himself, a point forward who plays with confidence and does everything: “I really like his game. Like I told you before, we played against each other a few times as kids. It’s cool to see him develop in -NBA, he is an excellent player and I am sure he will continue to improve.”

In addition, Wagner spoke about the disturbing phenomenon in which players discover that they are being traded through social networks: “There are two sides to the story. We are very lucky to play in the NBA and we make a lot of money, so I guess this matter is simply the other side. It’s business, But I think it’s a nice move to tell the player that he’s being traded before he finds out through the networks. The clubs should make sure the players don’t find out on Twitter.”

To finish, Wagner sent a message to the audience in Israel: “Hey everyone. I appreciate the support, make sure you watch the Rising Stars game tonight and the rest of the All-Star Weekend.”

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