| Great | Mangalam

by time news

Sajevan came home from Sheffield, UK after hearing the news of his father’s death. He is the head chef of a big hotel abroad. His wife Reena, a nurse at a hospital in Manchester, and five-year-old daughter Tinu could not accompany him. Sajeev has immense respect, love and debt for his father who supported his family by working as a tea maker in a hotel called Mahan in Nadu and taught him hotel management and sent him abroad. Thomasukutty’s funeral and related ceremonies were held with the cooperation of relatives and locals. The hotel, where Thomasukutty worked for a long time in his life, gave him great humiliation and grief. According to the complaint of the hotel owner Satyaseelan’s enemies, the food inspector made a secret visit. I don’t know how the body of a small eight-legged animal was floating in the tea given to the inspector. The angry inspector Mahan said the hotel would be closed. Finally Satyaseelan escaped without injury. He dismissed Thomasukutty for inattention while taking tea. The innocent man left the hotel with a broken heart. Mahan must either own the hotel where his father’s tears fell. Or should be locked. Sajeev had such a thought. Eighth day after father died. Sajevan drove his car and arrived in front of Mahan Hotel. He parked the car on the road side, got out and leaned on the bonnet. Hotel Mahan has grown a lot! Busy! It was realized that Mahan Hotel is getting all the business in the country. It is not easy to own. Sajeev remained in the same position for an hour. Various thoughts passed through my mind. By the time we got back in the car, we had made up our minds.

A return to the UK was determined not to be immediate. Within a week, Sajeev acquired the eye-catching place opposite Hotel Mahan for a golden price. Builders have signed up with the best construction company in the country. The building for three hotels was completed in just five months. 1st Hotel Tomasu Kuti’s Kitchen Next door is Bashirikan’s shop! Sankaran Nair’s tasting room next to it! Expert chefs were brought to the shop from different parts of Kerala. Each of the hotels catered to the needs of their respective religions.

Climb Malayatur hill and reach Janakodi

To see his idol…

Gold cross and pearl…Ponmala climb…

Devotional songs flowed from Thomasukutty’s shop. And the appetizing aroma of the dishes.

There is no shortage of music in Basheerikan’s shop. Good food and good songs! The aim is to fill the bellies and minds of those entering the shop.

If Allah has no mercy on earth

All are orphans…


Avial, Thiel, Olan, Kalan, Sambar and Rasa are served in Shankaran Nayar’s tasting room: there is music to suit people’s beliefs as elsewhere.

At Guruvayoorambalanada

One day I will go

The tower door will open

I will see Gopakumar…

In all three hotels, the manager is a disguised person. Sajevan is acting as Thomasukutty, Basheerika and Shankaran Nair. Madhavan, who has done make-up in films before, is Sajeev’s full-time make-up man. Sajeev decided to reduce the price of food items in all the three places as he had collected more than the required amount of foreign currency. The caste card and the price reduction are not correct. Leaving Hotel Mahan, the vast majority of people went to Sajeev’s hotels and returned satisfied.

Satyaseelan, the manager of Hotel Mahan, smelled danger. The number of visitors to his hotel is very low! It costs nothing to make! Many of his skilled workers leave without warning. All of them work on the opposite side with better salaries when they find out. The tri-communists are on the same line and trying to close his hotel. Sahiket Satyaseelan reached Thomasukutty’s shop. There is a beautiful girl at the counter. When I went to Basheerikan’s shop next door, there was no manager there either. Sankaran Nair’s tasting room had a boss. Apply ash and sandal paste on the forehead. Basil between the ears. Sankaran Nair grinned, baring his large, stained teeth.

what Where are you from? Shankar Nair asked.

I am honest. Manager of Hotel Mahan. I am the grandson of a freedom fighter. A descendant of martyrs for the freedom of the country. The name Mahan was given to the hotel to keep the memory of the great souls alive.

I don’t want to hear this bragging. Tell me what happened.

Shankaran Nair frowned.

Thomasukutty, Basheerika and Sankaran Nair are closing my business. You are playing caste card like religious and party people. Fertilizing colorism. Satyaseelan raised his voice.

Do secularists and idealists come there? Shankaran Nair hit back.

All the people used to come to my hotel until you started. Now not a single kitten climbs there. I have come to give you a warning. This colorful business should be closed and vacated as soon as possible. Or I’ll lock up. Even if I sell everything I own, I will bind you.

Don’t just hate and be honest. We are really three religions. Running the shop side by side without any problem. We are actually fencing off racism. Satyaseelan can’t do anything to us.

You don’t understand Satyashilan. Delhi will pay lakhs and bring down Pakiwala and sue him.

If he drops Pakiwala, we will bring Puliman. Sankaran Nair replied.

People’s anger will rise against communalists. It will make you a champion. Here the ultimate victory will be religious harmony. I have no rest without teaching you a lesson. See you in court. Satyaseelan turned around.

Thomasukutty, Bashirka and Sankaran Nair were accused and the case reached the court. As Satyaseelan said, the most eminent advocate Pakivala was brought to the court room in Kerala. Sajeev did not give up at all. Puliman, a great lawyer, was brought to the fore. Argument that sparks in the court! The case did not stop in Kerala. It has become the subject of attention for the entire country.

The establishment of separate hotels for Hindus, Muslims and Christians is unconstitutional, anti-people and a move that is rewriting the country for communalism. Advocate Pakiwala argued.

So why not worship and pray together in the mosque, church and temple? Puliman fought back.

Your clients are sowing greenery to make money. A color riot would break out there any moment. Pakiwala raised his voice.

no There will be nothing. My clients are true secularists: the dishes served in all three hotels are prepared in a single kitchen. It is made by the same people. Thomasukutty, Basheer and Shankar Nair are the guardians of secularism. Puliman roared.

The judge was really concerned about what was right and what was just. Pakiwala and Puliman stand side by side in the arguments. Goalless draw!

Finally Puliman got up with Poojikataka.

The Hon’ble Court is revealing a great truth. Thomasukutty, Basheer and Shankaran Nair are not three persons. Not three religions. They are the transformation of Sajeev. Sajeev has no particular affinity with any religion. There is no bias. He loves the people here. Gives them clean and tasty. The price is reduced. The honorable court should know how. As he could not get a good job in our country, he went to the UK and worked as a chef in a big hotel, so he runs this service. Is that a mistake?

The court was silent. The judge did not have to struggle to give a verdict.

This Court observes that in view of our present day peculiar social conditions it is better that the hotel of the respondent should remain as it is. Court appreciates Sajeev for raising fence against casteism.

Disappointed, sad and broken, Satyaseelan walked out of the court. Sajeev was not overjoyed. Satyaseela came to his enemy. He was sweating.

Active, I have nothing more. The lawyer bought lakhs of minutes. The case was also lost. If you don’t give me at least one job in your hotel, me and my family… Satyaseelan couldn’t finish with trembling fingers.

Sajeev looked at Satyaseelan carefully. Once his father would have stood before him even more pitiful than this. No mercy. He was fired. Don’t do it yourself. His fight was for such a moment.

Sajeev held Satyaseelan’s hand.

Don’t worry my friend, I don’t need any of this hotel. But I want it to continue like this. I hand over the three hotels to you. He said with a hand on his shoulder. Satyaseelan was amazed.

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