“Koh-Lanta”: rules, candidates, Brogniart affair … all you need to know about this new season

by time news

Evening blocked for fans of “Koh-Lanta”. After months of waiting, the latter find this Tuesday, February 21 on TF 1 their favorite program, presented by Denis Brogniart. Baptized “The Sacred Fire”, this edition of the adventure game features 20 new anonymous adventurers aged 22 to 56. New rules, participants to follow, “Brogniart case”, overview of the questions we ask ourselves.

Candidates to follow. Ten women and ten men compete for forty days on the Caramoan Peninsula in the Philippines. Among them, some seem to have great physical assets, such as the former soldier Nicolas or the footballer Julie. Others rely on their bonhomie, like the commercial Esteban, keen on magic and hypnosis, or Élodie, who likes to sing opera tunes. But this edition could also give pride of place to strategists, like Alexandre. “I want to see what it gives, my way of manipulating people. I want to take out the one who comes to the first council without being afraid of anything, ”he says in his portrait.

The new rules. The Sacred Fire, which gives its name to this new season, is a talisman that allows its holder to protect himself or a comrade of his choice during an eliminatory council. If it is the tribe opposite who must vote against one of his own, again the one who has the sesame immunizes one of the adversaries. It is put back into play at each comfort test. In addition to the usual immunity necklaces, other strategic weapons (like a double vote) are hidden in the camps.

“The Brogniart Affair”. The launch of this new season comes less than a month after the revelations of “Here” on the anger of Denis Brogniart, in particular with regard to former colleagues. After having apologized in the weekly, the host has not spoken publicly on the subject. Luckily for him, the press conference for the presentation of the new season of “Koh-Lanta” had already taken place. In recent days, the host prefers social networks to communicate on the great return of his adventure game.

The hearings. Will these revelations have an impact on the performance of the program? Nothing is less sure. Proposed for more than two decades, “Koh-Lanta” remains one of the sure values ​​of the One. From February to June 2022, “the Cursed Totem”, the previous edition, had attracted an average of 3.6 million viewers on Tuesday evenings, not counting the 900,000 additional faithful brought in each week by the replay.

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