9th class girl with a blade in her hand, replied that she was sad because her boyfriend had left her; The Instagram network of addiction

by time news

Father and mother When the girl was mentally broken when she moved in two directions, the friend who approached her for comfort took her into the trap of intoxication. After two years of substance abuse, she is undergoing treatment at a de-addiction centre, says, “I wanted to escape, but I couldn’t.” This is not the first complaint raised regarding the relationship between school students and drug trafficking gangs. In the past one year, 3 high school students have been caught in the net of drug trafficking gangs. In all these cases, it is revealed that there was a serious failure on the part of the police and others in finding and solving the problem at the right time.

The latest is the shocking revelation of the ninth grader that she has been using drugs including MDMA (Methylene Dioxy Meth Amphetamine) since the seventh grade and is being used as a carrier by drug gangs. Kozhikode Medical College started an investigation led by ACP after it was revealed that they were lured into the drug trap by people they met through the Instagram ID of Royal Drugs. Boney, a native of Kuttikatoor, who is also a former student of the school where the child studied, has been arrested. The police said that he has been arrested for selling drugs before. The accused was interrogated in detail. Investigations are ongoing for others involved in the incident. The police have also stated that they will immediately interrogate all those who the child disclosed to the police in connection with the case.

The girl fell into the trap of deadly drug MDMA at a very young age and is now in a de-addiction center. She talks to ‘Manorama’ as she desperately tries to escape the clutches of a deadly drug and an even deadlier gang.

∙ How did all the activities related to intoxication begin?

It started when I was studying in the 7th standard. Didn’t I mention earlier, I had a few problems. When I was in seventh grade, my father and mother separated. Due to family problems, he was very mentally exhausted. He (Bonnie) always comes near the school. He studied there. Talked often. comforted He had added me to a group. Someone in the group texted me asking if I wanted drugs. It was a time of great tension for me. Said to want. So used. Used occasionally. But there was no addiction. And when I asked if I wanted to be a carrier, I said, “Akalo”. So the carrier is.

∙ Did the message come here?

Yes, it came here. Friend added me in a group. It has my ID because someone sent me a message.

∙ What group?

It is a group called Royal Drugs. On Instagram

∙ Where does MDMA come from?

It is given from the bottom of the school itself. That’s okay. But no one cares.

∙ How many people were in this group?

There are many people. All are great people. There are no small people. Above 20-25 years of age.

∙ What time was it delivered?

He will be there when he comes after the evening class. He will give you drugs. At first there was no money. It was given to me for free. Then he wanted money. But money cannot be taken from home. He told me to become a carrier if I don’t have money. So became the carrier.

Seized MDMA (Photo by NOEL CELIS / AFP)

∙ Were you taught to use it?

Ah, they gave me a link saying that you just need to look it up on your phone. I learned by looking at that link.

∙ Do other partners use it?

None of my friends are using it. But there are many girls among them.

∙ Where should it be carried as a carrier?

Became a carrier since the end of 7th standard. There are many other friends in the group. Kozhikode itself. They have to pay. They’ll message me on Instagram and say I’ll be at this location. They will say that it is enough to bring it there.

∙ Were you paid?

no I had money, but I am giving it to my friend. No take home.

MDMA tablets. (Photo by NOEL CELIS / AFP)

∙ How much rupees will you get?

700 rupees per gram. Do not take home. If you take it home, you will ask what it is.

∙ Where did you work as a carrier?

Only Kozhikode. Someone will give me. I’ll give it to someone else. That’s it. It was at school leaving time. It was mainly taken in the evening. Takeaway is available from 6.30 pm to 11.00 pm.

∙ When it’s so late, won’t the family ask?

When they get late, they will ask.. They will say that I was walking with my friends

∙ Is it correct to say that the drug was smuggled from Bengaluru?

He went to his father. When I went there, I became more stressed. The remainder was returning to Kozhikode. That’s when I was told to deliver the goods from Bengaluru to Kozhikode. A person from this group gave MDMA to Kozhikode that day.

∙ How did you get home?

When she saw the blade marks on my hand, Umm asked what it was. I didn’t say anything at first. It was said that it was painted out of sadness when the lover left. Then when he saw what was drawn, he asked again. That’s when he said that there was a problem. So, my family started coming when I was going to school. They noticed many strangers talking to me. They did not give correct answers to the questions asked. That is how the mother informed the school management.

∙ Didn’t the police intervene?

When I first went to the police station, the police did not register a case. He advised me not to tell anyone for the time being. When the problem worsened again, the help of social workers was sought. That’s how the complaint was again filed with the police. There was no support from the Child Welfare Committee. A complaint has been made to the Chief Minister pointing out these matters. The medical college is now investigating under the leadership of ACP.

∙ What information has been handed over to the police so far?

Information was given to the police that drug dealers were coming near the school and were handing out drugs. It has been clarified about the Instagram ID Royal Drugs and who is behind it. The group works by including children as well. All these matters have been handed over to the police.

∙ What are the main goals after leaving the drug addiction center?

Study must be completed. We will have many problems at home. There will be many people waiting to take advantage of it. It should be recognizable. Now it is possible to come back with the support given by the family and some social workers. Not everyone gets it. So it is better not to fall into such a trap.

English Summary: How Drug Mafia Trapped a 9th Standard Girl Student in Kozhikode?

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