Book project with stories read aloud from Ukraine is in demand | free press

by time news

Because of the Russian war of aggression, many families from Ukraine no longer see each other. A project for children helps to bring them together again through picture books – with the help of an app.

The war in Ukraine tore thousands of families apart: women with children in particular have been fleeing to neighboring countries since February 24, 2022. Not only did they have to build a new life in another country, but they also had to worry about the men, fathers and brothers who stayed behind and who often fight in the Ukrainian army.

A project aimed at connecting separated families, especially those with small children, was launched last October at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The patrons are the First Ladies of Germany and Ukraine, Elke Büdenbender and Olena Selenska.

Reading possible via app

According to a spokeswoman for the “Better Time Stories” initiative, the first interim results are positive. Refugee Ukrainian children receive five bilingual picture books on topics such as comfort, love and optimism from donations. What is special about it is an app that allows family members in Ukraine to read the books and record them so that the children can individually hear the voice of their father, grandmother or other relatives.

In Germany alone, around 2,700 Ukrainian families have received this package of books. A total of around 60,000 euros in donations in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands have been received since the start of the project, it said. A package of books costs 15 euros – the interest is great. Better Time Stories has received requests from 10,000 Ukrainian families.

“My daughter hears her dad’s voice every night,” a woman is quoted as saying. The child can fall asleep more easily since he has his father “in his ear” as the narrator of a bedtime story. And the mother also feels comforted when she can hear the familiar voice – especially when voice messages and video calls to Ukraine are once again not possible due to bad internet. (dpa)

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