Agricultural Show: inflation, drought… What to remember from Macron’s visit

by time news

There were images from Epinal, videos showing the President of the Republic patting the backs of the most beautiful cows and tasting the tastiest cheeses. Then between two wanderings, the discussions, often animated, between the political power and the actors of a sector in great suffering. This Saturday, February 25, the 2023 edition of the Salon de l’Agriculture opened, a moment eagerly awaited by the agricultural world, after an event canceled in 2020 due to Covid-19 and truncated last year due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

Reassuring the sector while protecting the environment

There is no shortage of subjects of concern, between the soaring food prices due to the war in Ukraine and the repeated episodes of drought which affect the sector, in summer as in winter. On this subject, the President of the Republic called for “a sobriety plan on water”, on the model of “energy sobriety”, evoking “the end of abundance”. “We know that we will be confronted as we were last summer with problems of scarcity (of water): rather than organizing under duress at the last moment with conflicts of use, we must plan all that “, he explained, calling for “better harvesting of rainwater”, “to have fewer leaks in the water networks” and “better distribute the use of drinking water according to the users” . The subject of wastewater recycling appears to be crucial, while France is lagging behind its European neighbors.

Another concern of farmers: failing to adapt to new environmental requirements, culminating in the possible ban on glyphosate, a carcinogenic herbicide widely used by farmers. The Head of State began his visit to the Salon a little before nine o’clock, first discussing with the fishing sector – to which he assured the extension until October of the financial aid granted to cope with the increase fuel prices – before kicking off the event. Emmanuel Macron intends to deal with all subjects, and reconcile seemingly contradictory issues.

Distributors “must make an effort on their margins”

On the delicate subject of pesticides, the President of the Republic intends to insist on the need to limit their use, despite the complaints of the FNSEA, which wishes to see a reduction in the environmental constraints imposed on farmers. Finally, to fight against rising food and energy prices, its president, Christiane Lambert, is calling for financial aid to be put in place. Regarding the soaring food prices, Emmanuel Macron has challenged the groups of large retailers: “Those who have to make an effort on their margins are the distributors.”

The Head of State also tried to calm farmers’ concerns about the draft agreement between the EU and the Latin American countries united in Mercosur. “An agreement with the countries of the Latin American continent is not possible if they do not respect the Paris agreements (on the climate) like us and if they do not respect the same environmental and health constraints that we impose to our producers,” he said. An agreement was reached in 2019 between the EU and Mercosur, after more than 20 years of difficult negotiations, but has not yet been ratified. The European Commission hopes that the process will be completed in the coming months.

During his visit, Emmanuel Macron broke away, under loud whistles and loud applause, with a member of the “Last renovation” collective. The young man, who wore a t-shirt crossed out with the words “What are you for?”, challenged the head of state by calling on him to “listen to scientific reports” on climate change. “I’m here to tell you that we won’t stop, because we’re tired of asking nicely. Hear this, otherwise it’s going to be terrible. I’ve finished what I had to say”, he launched, pointing his index finger at the head of state, but refusing to listen to his answer. “We have already heard you!”, he justified himself.

“You are the demonstration of a form of civic violence”, retorted Emmanuel Macron, questioning him: “I am elected by the French people, you are elected by whom?”. “This is not a debate!” Insisted the activist. “Well then, leave, if this is not a debate!”, then replied the President of the Republic.

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